COVID-19 Case Studies

In an attempt to provide a preliminary overview of responses to COVID-19 within the Canadian philanthropic community, PhiLab has initiated a series of small case studies evaluating recent initiatives in the field. The research was conducted by Isidora G. Sidorovska of the Ontario Hub, Charles Duprez of the Quebec Hub, and Adriana Davis of the Western Hub, with the support of Manuel Litalien, Nipissing University, and Jean-Marc Fontan, UQAM.

PhiLab’s work has produced six case studies so far.

Graphic design by: Audrey Plante-Grenier

Consult the publication including all case studies here

Six PhiLab COVID-19 Case Studies




This article is part of the special edition of November 2021 – Philanthropy’s role in a crisis. You can find more information here

rôle de la philanthropie en temps de crise