Luc Thériault


Luc Thériault is a sociologist by trade, both in the French and Anglo-American traditions. His domain of expertise is social politics and third-sector studies with a focus on the interactions between governments and social economy organizations involved in the provision of services to individuals. He possesses a significant experience in research studies on non-profit organizations and cooperatives in Canada. At PhiLab, Luc is a researcher within the Atlantic Canada team. During his first research phase, Luc Thériault offered strategic support for the work team III that focused on case studies of foundations working in collaboration with other stakeholders, including other foundations.


Thériault, L. and H. LeBreton. (2015). “Social Assistance in New Brunswick: Origins, Developments, and the Current Situation.” Chapter 11 in Welfare Reform in Canada: Provincial Social Assistance in Comparative Perspective, edited by D. Béland and P.-M. Daigneault, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 209-221.

Thériault, L. (2014). Exploring 50 Years of Canadian Theses on Co-operatives. Journal of Co-operative Studies, Vol. 47, No. 1: 56-70.

Theriault, L., Low, J., & Luke, A. (2014). Negotiating the System: Social Workers in Home Support in New Brunswick. Canadian Review of Social Policy/Revue canadienne de politique sociale, (70), pp. 64-77.

Thériault, L. (2012) “The Foundations of the Social Economy: Co-operatives, Non-profits, and Other Social Enterprises.” Chapter 2 in Social Economy: Communities, Economies, and Solidarity in Atlantic Canada, edited by S. Novkovic and L. Brown, Cape Breton University Press, 2012, pp.22-38.

Thériault, L. and M. Haan. (2012). Non-profit Immigrant Settlement Agencies in New Brunswick: Answering the Call for Population Growth?Halifax: Atlantic Metropolis Centre Working Paper Series.

Thériault, L., Leclerc, A. and A. Wisniewski. (2010) Not just an Apartment Building: Residents: Quality of Life in a Social Housing Co-operative. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 1(1):82-100.

Gill, C.and L. Thériault. (2009) Using Conditional Sentences in Domestic Violence Cases: A New Brunswick Exploration. Canadian Review of Social Policy, 10(63/64):83-101.

Theriault, L. (2009) Moving Back into the Shadow: Social Economy, Social Policy and the Harper Government. In R. Laforest (Ed.) The New Federal Agenda and The Voluntary Sector. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 61-80.

Thériault, L., Skibbens, R., and L. Brown, A Portrait of Co-operatives and Credit Unions in Atlantic Canada. Social Economy and Sustainability Research Network, Working Paper 2008-01, Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent University, September 2008, 46 pages.

Thériault, L McTiernan, H., and C. Gill. “Resources and Challenges of Charitable Human Service Organizations in New Brunswick,” The Philanthropist, vol. 21, no. 3 (2008): 210-233.

Low, J. and L. Thériault. “Health promotion policy in Canada: lessons forgotten, lessons still to learn,” Health Promotion International, vol. 23, no. 2, (June 2008): 200-206. 


Motorcyclist and tennis player.