Title or Function
- Researcher
- Governance; Taxation; Accounting.
- Carleton University
Regional Center
- Ontario
Email Address
- http://carleton.ca/profbrouard
- http://sprott.carleton.ca/scse-cses
- https://twitter.com/profbrouard?lang=fr
- (613) 520-2600 poste 2213
With his expertise in accounting and taxation, François focuses on questions of information, such as taxes and statutory declarations (T3010), financial reports (financial statements), social audits (societal impact), and reports concerning the awarding of grants. Professor of Accounting and Taxation at the Sprott School of Business at Carleton University in Ottawa, François is involved in several projects linked to the financial and fiscal dimensions of charitable organizations, nonprofits, and social companies. As founding director of the Centre Sprott pour les entreprises sociales (CSES), his focus is on social entrepreneurship and the management of charitable organizations and nonprofits. François is the coordinator of the research group on the users of the T3010 data (https://carleton.ca/profbrouard/t3010canadagroup/). He is also interested by Quebec’s comedy industry (http://carleton.ca/profbrouard/humour).