Conversations Philanthropiques en Culture


Description of the Organization

The will of several philanthropic actors of Montreal led to the creation of Conversations Philanthropiques en Culture (CPC) is a group meant to foster exchanges and the sharing of experiences to support the healthy development of philanthropy in Montreal and in Quebec.

The group’s mission is to support the Arts and its professionals by sharing vital knowledge about philanthropic activities through the exchange of experience among workers in the Arts sector. The goal is to build closer connections between Arts professionals to better disseminate best practices and encourage a vibrant philanthropic sector.

Partnership with PhiLab

In this context, it is only natural to seek to offer its members a peer-to-peer training opportunity such as co-development. After a successful trial in 2019-2020 under the facilitation of Karla Etienne, the CPCs are launching, in 2020-2021 two new facilitation groups, to be facilitated by Pierre-Marie Audard, Treasurer, and Ludovic Delrieux, President. These groups represent an important portion of CPC’s philanthropic development strategies in Montreal and will allow for 16 of its members to develop a network and quality experience. The CPCs will allow for the production of a report, with the support of PhiLab, for each of the co-development research groups.