Quebec Hub

“25 000 tuques” : A symbolic stitchwork

Blog, Quebec Hub

Fall 2015. In the wake of the waves of migration caused by the war in Syria, the Canadian government announces its intention to welcome 25,000 Syrian refugees by February 2016. […]

Interview with Pierre Lavoie

Blog, Quebec Hub, Student Publications

If ideas are to take root and spread, they need champions – obsessive people who have the skill, motivation, energy, and bullheadedness to do whatever is necessary to move them […]

Quebec: Volunteers wanted?

Blog, Quebec Hub, Student Publications

Le Devoir, April 6, 2017: ” Le bénévolat à son plus bas en dix ans[1]“. Voluntary action is found in all facets of human life, and  is a powerful engine […]

National Philanthropy Day

Blog, Quebec Hub

The idea of recognising philanthropy at the national level is the initiative of the Association of Fundraising Professionals of the United States. In 2012, Canada endorsed this goal by enacting […]

Bringing Canada Back, Mr. Trudeau?

Blog, Quebec Hub

What is the role of philanthropy in politics? This question was at the heart of the discussion that marked the opening session of the Philanthropic Foundations Canadasymposium held in Toronto October […]