Ontario Hub


The Ontario Hub sees the philanthropic sector ​as being in perpetual movement, and recognize​s the growing need to further understand community foundations’ and social enterprises’ initiatives and challenges. As individuals are directly impacted or relying on services provided by philanthropic actors, comprehending the philanthropic ecosystem is thus beneficial to all. Support funnelled to local journalism or hospitals is notable, and currently under research by our networks. In order to better understand and sustain the philanthropic sector, PhiLab Ontario takes part in the development; sharing and dissemination of knowledge present in the ecosystem. With the continuous support of our partners, research members and students, the Hub helps map the province’s foundations’ projects to further our knowledge on how they operate, the territory they cover and the areas ​they prioritize. 


Mission inclusion

Mapping of Mission Inclusion’s applied philanthropy practices in Quebec regions

Explore the practices of philanthropy in the regions of Quebec based on the experience of Mission Inclusion ...
Philanthropy, Ethnicity and Diaspora in Canada

Philanthropy, Ethnicity and Diaspora in Canada: Laying the Foundations

This proposed literature review seeks to understand and document proliferating philanthropic and communal caregiving initiatives led by some racialized groups ...
Billionaire Philanthropy in Canada

Billionaire Philanthropy in Canada

Description Phase 1: Systematic Literature Review on Billionaire Philanthropy ...
Canadian global health philanthropy

Canadian global health philanthropy

Preliminary scan of Canadian global health philanthropy ...
Exploring the Philanthropic Ecosystem in Northern Communities

Exploring the Philanthropic Ecosystem in Northern Communities

Conduct extensive literature review on philanthropic models in Northern communities in Canada, and in Northern remote communities ...
Community foundations

Capacity assessment through the lens of place: Community Foundations in Canada and Australia in a shifting world

Phase I: Unpacking the Local: Challenges and Opportunities Facing Community Foundations in Australia and Canada in a post-pandemic world; Phase ...


COVID-19 Management in Long-term Care: Governments Outperformed Nonprofits, So Where Do We Go from Here?

We set out to understand whether long-term care home (LTCH) provider type made a difference for COVID-19 outcomes. Our recently ...

PhiLab’s Ontario Hub Regional Conference 2021

The Role of Grantmaking Foundations in Restructuring Ontario’s Philanthropic Action Throughout and Beyond the COVID-19 Crisis  May 12th – 14th, 2021  ...

Interview with Stephanie Procyk and Ruth Crammond from United Way Greater Toronto

Stephanie Procyk is the Senior Manager of Research, Public Affairs, Public Policy & Evaluation at United Way Greater Toronto.  She is ...

COVID-19 and the political activities of Canadian charities

As an important component of charitable tax law, the rules and regulations surrounding the “political activities” of charities are an ...


