The PhiLab SSHRC Partnership Grant has catalyzed research and knowledge transmission on rural philanthropy. Specifically, University of Guelph professor Dr. Ryan Gibson was able to connect with the Philanthropist’s Leslie Wright at a meeting of the PhiLab Ontario Hub held in September 2018 at Foundation House in Toronto. After connecting in September, Ryan and Leslie created an informal committee consisting of the Philanthropist, Community Foundations of Canada (CFC), and rural charities. Results to-date include: a three-part article series published by the Philanthropist on rural philanthropy (the first of which is available now); a community of practice webinar series (four hosted to-date; with rural charities throughout Canada); and a session at the 2019 CFC Conference in Victoria. Planning is underway for a 2020 workshop that will bring together rural charities, rural policy-makers, and researchers.
Read the first article of the PhiLab rural philanthropy connection on The Philanthropist’s website: