We are happy to share the second edition of our annual, bilingual journal on philanthropy, The PhiLanthropic Year, with you.
A big thank you to Shereen Munshi from The Circle for her continuous support, as well as all the authors for their contributions.
We invite you all to share the publication within your networks!
The PhiLanthropic Year is a journal that specializes in the transmission of scientific and professional knowledge within the philanthropic sector, and more specifically, grantmaking philanthropy. The journal meets the need of rendering available, in French and English, knowledge mainly produced by or highlighted by the scientific activities that take place within the Canadian Philanthropy Partnership Research Network (PhiLab).
Partnerships have always been at the heart of PhiLab’s work. This edition of the PhiLanthropic Year, in collaboration with The Circle on Philanthropy (The Circle) represents an initial step in building what we hope to be a long and healthy relationship. The Circle recently took on the role of National Indigenous hub at PhiLab, and this journal felt like a great way to capture the intentions, learnings and types of relationships we want to amplify. It has been an opportunity to grow as a Network, to learn how to work differently, to build a platform aimed at diversifying the voices of philanthropy and to amplify the wisdom and solutions of Black, Indigenous, People of Colour leaders in and/or adjacent to the philanthropic sector.
Find the flip-through version here
Below is the list of individuals articles found in the journal:
- Éditorial | Editorial , by Kris Archie
- Entrevue | Interview
- The Governing Circle with Kris Archie, Sara Lyons & Tim Fox, by Alexander Dirksen
- Dossier spécial | Special Feature
- Healing Through the Land. Navigating Philanthropy’s Role in Reconciliation: A Funder’s Learning Journey, by the Catherine Donnelly Foundation
- Guérison par la Terre. Redéfinir le rôle de la philanthropie eu égard à la « réconciliation »: parcours d’apprentissage, by the Catherine Donnelly Foundation
- Études de cas | Case Studies
- Le Bâtiment 7, les fondations philanthropiques et les universités. Histoire d’une mise en commun, by David Grant-Poitras et Sylvain A. Lefèvre
- Internship-based Collaborative Applied Research Model: Linking academic research projects, rural NGOs, sustainability, philanthropy, and funding, by Adela Tesarek Kincaid, Hannah J. Dueck, and Leeza Perehudoff
- Textes invités | Guest contributors
- La relation d’aide comme fonction de copier-coller: Les paradoxes d’un modèle néolibéral d’empouvoirement qui mène à projeter sur autrui ce que l’on est, by Anaïs Bovet
- Moving Beyond the Words: Where is Canadian Philanthropy on its journey to Dismantle Anti-Black Racism? by Dorla Tune
- How to redefine funder-grantee relationships to support Indigenous-led organizations, by Martina Ulrichs
- Comptes-rendus de lecture | Book Reviews
- Winners take all: The Elite Charade of Changing the World, by Adam Saifer
- La solidarité en crise, Centraide et la nouvelle philanthropie, by Rosane Dal Magro
- Ouvrages récents | Recent Publications
- Philanthropic Foundations in Canada: Landscapes, Indigenous perspectives and pathways to change, edited by Peter R. Elson, Sylvain A. Lefèvre and Jean-Marc Fontan
- La Solidarité en crise: Centraide et la nouvelle philanthropie, by Taïeb Hafsi & Saouré Kouamé
- Pages à colorier | Colouring Pages
- Racial Equity & Justice in Philanthropy Funders’ Summit, by Yaimel López Zaldívar and katia hernández velasco