Innovative practices in donor engagement of women: A Canadian Study


An estimated $900B in inherited assets will flow to Canadian women in the next 10 years (T.D., 2017). At a time when Canadians in general are reducing their financial support for charities (Imagine Canada, 2018) and #MeToo is raising awareness of gender issues in society, it is imperative that donor engagement practices keep with the times. This research project will build upon existing scholarship and professional discourse on the topic of gender and philanthropy while focusing on a practical gap: that of identifying, exploring and assessing donor engagement practices aimed at women in Canada. The study will contribute to the fundraising profession by strengthening its gender analysis and practices to engage women, one of the most important growing populations of donors.

Research Papers and literature reviews

Glass, Juniper (2020). Donor engagement of women in Canada: Insights on fundraising programs and practices. Research report, AFP.

Affiliated Hub(s)

Research Axis

  • Axis 4 : Philanthropy and Social Justice

Project supervisor


  • Foundation for Philanthropy Canada (AFP)

Beginning date

  • 01/2019

End date /projected end date

  • 12/2019