In July 2020, funding was awarded to support an MA in Environmental Policy student at the Environmental Policy Institute, School of Science and the Environment, Grenfell Campus, Memorial University. Katarina Nedeljakov, the MA student who is supported by this funding, has now completed her first year of the program. Katarina has a background in natural sciences, and has experience working with eNGOs and an interest in sustainable development and agriculture. Katarina was awarded a SSHRC M-CGS for her second year of MAEP, and we therefore did not extend PhiLab funding beyond the initial $5,000.
- Katarina completed a Research Assistantship supported by a SSHRC PG / PhiLAb partner, the Bonne Bay Cottage Hospital Heritage Corporation. Through this RAship, Katarina worked with a farmer in Gros Morne, Newfoundland, and provided support with agricultural development and funding. The RA presented an opportunity to understand how information flows from the provincial agricultural ministry to local farmers, and to understand the role of organizations like the Bonne Bay Cottage Hospital Heritage Corporation (a social enterprise and registered charity) in brokering regional knowledge networks, in keeping with goal 1) outlined above.
- Key outcomes linked to this funding were literature reviews on topics related to philanthropy, knowledge translation, and the role of NGOs as knowledge brokers. Through her course work, Katarina has completed assignments which consider knowledge transfer between NGO’s and the government, specifically related to how NGOs bring issues to the political agenda and shape policy. This has included: 1) research on the possibility of implementing Universal Pharmacare in Canada, which is largely advocated for by a coalition of NGOs, health care workers, and academics; and 2) a literature review assignment on the role community-led urban agriculture in establishing a sense of place for newcomer and refugee communities, where NGOs often play a large role in fostering the community connections.
- Since Katarina is based in Calgary, she was also connected with the PhiLab Western Hub, and was listed as a student on both the Western and Atlantic Hubs
- In June 2021 Katarina attended the Atlantic Hub regional PhiLab conferences.
Affiliated Hub(s)
Research Axis
- Axis 3 : Sectoral or regional portraits of philanthropy
Project supervisor
- Roza Tchoukaleyska
Memorial University of Newfoundland - Garrett Richards
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Student researcher(s)
- Katerina Nedeljakova
Beginning date
- September 2020
End date /projected end date
- Mai 2021