We are exploring the relationship between place-based philanthropy, social justice and environmental justice. Surprisingly, very little research has been conducted on this topic in the Canadian philanthropic milieu. While scholarship on U.S. place-based philanthropy is more robust, few scholars have honed in on its specific intersection with environmental and social justice. We believe that much can be learned by exploring the topic within a comparative international framework. While the primary focus will be a comparative analysis of Canada and the U.S., we propose to include other countries in the Americas and/or Europe where innovation might be occurring. Due to the paucity of scholarship in this area, we see this as one area for PhiLab to take a leadership role.
We propose to explore the following questions:
- How does place based philanthropy differ in the U.S, Canada and elsewhere?
- How is place-based philanthropy defined in the U.S, Canada and elsewhere?
- Are place-based foundations mobilizing for practical knowledge, challenging existing knowledge and measuring impact?
- How can place-based philanthropy provide policymakers, philanthropic organizations and community-based stakeholders better answers for addressing social justice and environmental justice? Are place-based foundations better positioned to make an impact in these areas?
- How do we elevate the pace of change in underserved communities served by place-based foundations?
- Are place-based foundations playing a critical role in changing society?
Affiliated Hub(s)
Research Axis
- Axis 4 : Philanthropy and Social Justice
- Axis 5: Philanthropy and Environmental Justice
Project supervisor
- Mirle Rabinowitz Bussell
University of California, San Diego - Maria Martinez-Cosio
Université du Texas à Arlington
Team member(s)
- Mirle Rabinowitz Bussell
University of California, San Diego - Maria Martinez-Cosio
Université du Texas à Arlington - Jean-Marc Fontan
UQAM - Nancy Pole
Student researcher(s)
- Joshua Newton
University of Texas, Arlington
Beginning date
- December 2018
End date /projected end date
- December 2022