Three part case study on the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


The project aims to answer the following:

  • What are the main historical phases of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Quebec, its key concepts and new approaches?
  • How important is CSR in the management of grantmaking foundations in Quebec?
  • What phases led the Béati Foundation to integrate CSR principles into their practices and create the PRI Québec Network?
  • What role did the Regroupement play in CSR’s recent history and its connections to the philanthropic sector?
  • What are the main aspects of available CSR related services in Quebec?
  • How does the Regroupement compare regarding available CSR services?

Three objectives were identified following this line of questioning:

  • Revisit Quebec’s CSR history and how the Regroupement fits in the timeline
  • Survey Quebec foundations on their representation of CSR and their knowledge of the ISO 260002 norm
  • Identify CSR services in Quebec and the space occupied by the Regroupement
  • Highlight the most interesting approaches, in terms of CSR practice integration among grantmaking foundations.

Research Papers and literature reviews

Longtin, David., et Pisani, Stéphane. Histoire du Regroupement sur la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RRSE), 2021. PhiLab : Montréal.
Annexe 1 : – Portrait général de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE)
Annexe 2 : Portrait général du concept d’investissement socialement responsable (ISR)

Affiliated Hub(s)

Research Axis

  • Axis 3 : Sectoral or regional portraits of philanthropy

Project supervisor

Team member(s)

Student researcher(s)


  • Fondation Béati
  • Regroupement pour la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RRSE)

Beginning date

  • November 2020

End date /projected end date

  • February 2022