Saouré Kouamé


Saouré Kouamé is an assistant professor of Strategy at the Telfer School of Management. He is also a guest researcher for INSEAD France and Singapore. His research focuses on the strategic practices and success factors of organizations. His current projects concern philanthropic (corporate, private and public) and humanitarian organization strategy. Of note is his work with Centraide du Grand Montréal and Fondation Chagnon. He has studied how these organizations use strategy to increase their social impact. He is presently working on the United Nations’ challenges with  digital transformation, in particular on the introduction of innovative practices based on new technologies (artificial intelligence, blockchain, etc.) in achieving the SDGs (2030 Sustainable Development Goals). His work has been published in renown international scientific journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Strategic Organization and Management Decision. He has received many awards for the quality of his work, including that of best Ph.D. thesis from HEC Montréal.


  • Kouamé, S. and Hafsi, T. La solidarité en crise: Centraide et la nouvelle philanthropie (Livre). Montréal, QC: JFD Edition, 2018.
  • Fontan, J.M., Hafsi, T., Klein, J.L., Kouamé, S., Lefèvre, S., Lévesque, B. and Rochma, J. 2018. Trajectoire historique de la Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon (cahier de recherche), PhiLab, UQAM, Montréal.
  • Kouamé, S. and Pole, N. 2017. Agissez dans votre écosystème pour créer plus de valeur sociale (Article). Gestion, 42(4): 104-108.

Awards & distinctions

  • Best Paper Award, Academy of Management Annual Conference (AOM, Boston), 2019
  • Meilleur thèse de HEC Montréal (Toutes disciplines), 2018
  • Best Paper Award, Association Canadienne des Sciences Administratives (ASAC), 2017
  • Meilleure communication étudiante (CRISES, Innovation sociale), 2013