Antoine Gervais


Antoine Gervais has a Bachelor’s degree in Music from the Conservatoire de Montréal and a certificate in nonprofit management from Université de Montréal. He has worked for many charities, including Centraide of Greater Montreal, the Quebec Cancer Foundation and the Réseau des diplômés et donateurs de l’Université de Montréal. The study of the administrative costs of grantmaking foundations in partnership with the Fondation Béati marks his first collaboration with PhiLab.

Our partner, The Philanthropist, conducted an interview with Antoine:

Antoine Gervais: Grantmaking foundations – The issue of management and administrative costs


  • Writer and critique: L’Opéra, revue québécoise d’art lyrique (2015-2017); –
  • Freelance writer, Ludwig Van Montréal, plate-forme numérique (2017)


Father, classical singer, opera addict, passionate about all forms of creativity, active runner and cyclist, major obsession: chips.