David Grant-Poitras


At PhiLab, I act as the student representative. My role consists of promoting student participation in PhiLab’s activities and serving as an intermediary regarding all questions of education. I am also in charge of the Philanthropic Year, a monthly newsletter that elaborates on and presents a selection of scientific references on various themes related to philanthropy. Finally, to feed PhiLab’s blog, I often write short articles that explore the philanthropic activity of Quebec’s foundations. Outside of the laboratory, I am a Master student in Sociology and am writing my memoir that concerns the emergence of a socially responsible financing in Canadian philanthropic foundations.


Ukraine et philanthropie canadienne

Guerre en Ukraine et philanthropie canadienne : quelles actions possibles ?

Il y a environ deux ans, lorsque les premières vagues de COVID-19 secouaient le Québec, notre groupe de travail a formalisé un modèle préventif délimitant quatre champs d’action que pourraient ...
La cause animale : une cause digne de la philanthropie ?

La cause animale : une cause digne de la philanthropie ?

La philanthropie animaliste est-elle un antihumanisme ? Les gestes altruistes à destination des animaux sont en forte hausse, à tel point qu’on pourrait aujourd’hui qualifier de mainstream cette tendance philanthropique ...
Fondation subventionnaire Crise Rôle

Philanthropie subventionnaire et juxtaposition des crises : Dépasser une normalité paradoxale 

Dans ce texte, nous actualisons notre pensée en ce qui a trait aux registres d'action par lesquels les fondations subventionnaires peuvent jouer un rôle pertinent face aux crises. Par Jean-Marc Fontan, ...

Faced with the climate emergency, Canadian foundations are called upon to join the #PhilanthropyForClimate movement

Faced with the climate emergency, Canadian foundations are called upon to join the #PhilanthropyForClimate movement, is part of PhiLab's Special Edition on Philanthropy & COP26 The last few years have ...

Awards and Distinctions

The high school’s most smiling student – 2009


Retired gymnast and father of a rabbit. I don’t have a motorcycle, but maybe one day, who knows. I like reading and abandoning myself to the relaxing activity of pondering the universe. I thrive most when I find myself in a forest or at the beach, but, paradoxically, I live in Montreal. When I am sad, I listen to Marjo or Jerry Boulet; the same goes for when I am happy. I don’t like horse riding or country music.