Dr. Odwa Atari


Mkandawire, P., Madut, K., Rishworth, A., Atari, D. O., MacPherson, K., and Luginaah, I. (2019). Men’s perceptions of women’s reproductive health in South Sudan.  Health and Place 58:102157

Atari, D. O., and McKague, K. (2019). Using livelihoods to support primary health care for South Sudanese refugees in Kiryandongo, Uganda. South Sudan Medical Journal 2019; 12(2):38-43

Mkandawire, P., Atari, D. O., Kangmennaang, J., Arku, G., Luginaah, I., and Etowa, J. (2018), Pregnancy intention and gestational age at first antenatal care (ANC) visit in Rwanda. Midwifery

Mkandawire, P., Arku, G., Atari, D. O., Madut, K., Luginaah, I., and Dixon, J. (2015) “My house is the hospital”: Housing and Health and Wellbeing among Persons Living with HIV/AIDS in Northern Malawi”.  Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 26(4):1246-64.

Crouse, D.L., Peters, P.A., Villeneuve, P.J., Proux, M., Shin, H.H., Goldberg, M.S., Johnson, M., Wheeler, A.J., Allen, R.W., Atari, D.O., Jerrett, M., Brauer, M., Brook, J.R., Cakmak, S., and Burnett, R.T. (2015). Within-and between-city contrasts in nitrogen dioxide and mortality in 10 Canadian cities; a subset of the Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohort (CanCHEC). Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 25(5): 482 – 9.

Atari, D. O., and McKague, K. (2015). South Sudan: Stakeholders’ Views of Technical and Vocational Education and Training and a Framework for Action.  Journal of Vocational Education & Training. 67(2): 169 – 186.

Atari, D. O., and Mkandawire, P. (2014). Spatial variation of management of childhood diarrhea in Malawi. Health and Place. 29: 8494

Atari, D. O. (2014). Gender Differences in the Prevalence and Determinants of Tobacco Use Among School-Aged Adolescents (11 – 17 years) in Sudan and South Sudan. PanAfrican Medical Journal 18:118. doi:10.11604/pamj.2014.18.118.3202

Atari, D. O., Luginaah, I., Kevin, G., Xu, X., and Fung, K. (2013). Associations between self-reported odour annoyance and volatile organic compounds in “Chemical Valley,” Sarnia, Ontario. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185: 4537 – 4549. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-012-2887-3

Crouse, D., Peters, P., van Donkelaar, A., Goldberg, M. S., Villeneuve, P. J., Brion, O., Khan, S., Atari, D. O., Jerrett, M., Pope III, C. A., Brauer, M., Brook, J., Martin, R., Stieb, A., and Burnett, R. (2012). Risk of Mortality Associated with Long-term Exposure to Low Concentrations of Fine Particulate Matter: A Canadian National-level Population-based Cohort Study. Environmental Health Perspective. 120(5): 708 – 714

Awards and distinctions

Nominated for the 2019 Nipissing University Annual Research Award