Geneva Centre for Philanthropy at the University of Geneva


Description of the Organization

In 2017, the University of Geneva, in partnership with a number of key philanthropic foundations with an international reach, established the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy of the University of Geneva (GCP) recognizing the role of the city as one of the most important global philanthropy hubs.
Given the multidisciplinary nature of philanthropy, the Centre directly involves – and interacts with -the University`s various faculties (currently Economics and Management, Law, Psychology, Theology,and Humanities) to conduct global research and teaching in this field, and to transfer knowledge to practitioners and the general public.
The GCP has defined 5 priority topics:

  • Taxation and Philanthropy,
  • Social entrepreneurship and Hybrid entities,
  • Why do people give?
  • Foundation governance
  • AI and philanthropy

Partnership with PhiLab

The Centre for Philanthropy has three missions:
I.      To serve as an interface between practice and research.
II.     To support the international development and influence of the philanthropy sector,nationally, regionally and internationally.
III.    To provide insight into the challenges of philanthropy through an interdisciplinary perspective.
Becoming a member of Philab will offer the GCP the opportunity to contribute to philanthropic research in French-speaking countries and allow the GCP’s driving academic forces to share their interdisciplinary research within this network (FR and EN) and exchange with other members.