Ike Obasi


Ike Obasi is the Co-Coordinator for the Ontario Regional Hub of PhiLab. Ike Obasi has a Master of Environmental Science degree from Nipissing University (2019), a Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental management from Canadore College (2015), and a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Bio-resource Engineering from Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Nigeria (2010). He is also a research assistant on SSHRC sponsored projects to Dr. Manuel Litalien and Dr. Odwa Atari on the impact of religion on the health of immigrants in Ontario (since 2018), and Dr. Lanyan Chen on promoting reconciliation through collaboration on a forum for regional development. Dr. Lanyans project is built on a partnership between Nipissing University (NU), the Union of Ontario Indians/ Anishinabek Nation (UOI) and the North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre (NBIFC, 2019).

Awards & Distinctions

  • Canadore College: Inducted into the Panthers Honors Club for Academic Excellence (2015)
  • Nipissing University: Graduate Student Scholarship for International Studies (2017)


I played competitive soccer at the varsity level at Canadore College (2014/2015), and I am a staunch fan of the Toronto Raptors basketball team (the only Canadian team in the NBA), 2019 World Champions. #WeTheNorth!
