Jean-Marc Fontan


Co-director of PhiLab, with Peter Elson of Victoria University, from the SSHRC partnership grants obtained for 2013-2017 and 2018-2024. As co-directors, we oversee the implementation and coordination of research and knowledge valuation activities included in the research programs led in partnership with and financially supported by the SSHRC and the project’s partners. I am also director of the Research chair on methodology and epistemology of partnership-based research and a regular member of the Social innovation research center. Finally, I co-direct, with Isabel Heck (Parole d’excluEs) the university incubator eponymous to this organization (IUPE).


PhiLab Blog Posts

Bringing Canada Back, Mr. Trudeau?

Bringing Canada Back, Mr. Trudeau?

What is the role of philanthropy in politics? This question was at the heart of the discussion that marked the opening session of the Philanthropic Foundations Canadasymposium held in Toronto October ...

Academic Publications

  • FONTAN, J.M. et M. SOULIÈRE (sous la dir.) (2018), Postures de recherches en Action, Recherches sociographiques, numéro 1-2 du volume LIX.
  • FONTAN, J.M., ELSON, P., S. A. LEFÈVRE, (2017), Les fondations philanthropiques : de nouveaux acteurs politiques ?, Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 320p.
  • FONTAN, J.M. (2016), « Place et rôle des fondations subventionnaires dans l’écosystème philanthropique », dans Institut Mallet, Écosystème philanthropique, perspectives, perceptions et échanges, Québec, Institut Mallet, pp. 113 à 130.
  • LEVESQUE, B., FONTAN, J-M ET J-L KLEIN (sous la direction de) (2014), L’innovation sociale : les marches d’une construction théorique et pratique, Québec, PUQ, 474 p.
  • FONTAN, J.M., HAMEL, P., MORIN, R. (2013), Ville et conflits. Actions collectives, justice sociale et enjeux environnementaux, Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 240p.
  • HALL, B., JACKSON, E., TANDON, R., LALL, N, FONTAN, J.M. (ed.) (2013). Knowledge, democracy and action. Community-university research partnerships in global perspectives, Manchester, ManchesterUniversityPress,224p.
  • FONTAN, J.M., (2013), « Social Economy Research Partnerships: The Québec Experience », dans Bouchard, M. (dir.), Quebec Social Economy Experience, Toronto, Toronto University Press, pp. 71-96.
  • KLEIN, J.L., FONTAN, J.M., HARRISSON, D., LEVESQUE, B. (2012), « The Quebec system of social innovation, a focused analysis on the local development field », Finisterra, XVVII, 94, pp. 9-28.

Awards and Distinctions

  • Prix du Bison doré de l’Ordre du Manitoba, 1985
  • SSHRC Partnership Development Grant 2014-2016
  • SSHRC Partnership Grant 2018-2024


  • Literary activities: composition of short stories and short poems (Haiku).
  • Athletic activities: cross-country skiing, tennis and cycling.