Kristen Pue


Kristen Pue is a postdoctoral fellow in philanthropy and nonprofit studies at Carleton University’s School of Public Policy and Administration, with a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Toronto. Kristen’s dissertation examined the nonprofitization of the welfare state in homelessness and emergency management policies in Canada and the United Kingdom. In her postdoctoral research, Kristen is examining local homelessness funding networks in Canadian cities, as well as the involvement of homeless shelters in democracy promotion activities.


Academic Peer-reviewed Journals

  • Trebilcock, Michael and Pue, Kristen. (2015). The Puzzle of Agricultural Exceptionalism in International Trade Policy. Journal of International Economic Law18(2), 233-260.

Professional Journals

  • Pue, Kristen and Breznitz, Dan. (October 2017). The Social Innovation Strategies of Canadian Foundations. The Philanthropist.
  • Pue, Kristen. (February 2017). Social Impact Bonds: Reflecting on Emerging Global Practice. The Philanthropist.
  • Trebilcock, Michael and Pue, Kristen. (2015). The Puzzle of Agricultural Exceptionalism in International Trade Policy. Journal of International Economic Law18(2), 233-260.
  • Kramarz, Teresa, Donato-Woodger, Ben, and Pue, Kristen. (2014). Accountability in Global Environmental Governance – Workshop Report 2014. Earth System Governance June 2014.

Selected Policy Research and Commentaries

  • Pue, Kristen. (1 February 2017). Canada and Donald Trump: How Long Can We Keep Our Heads Down? iPolitics.
  • Pue, Kristen. (9 December 2016). If You Are Giving to Charity this Holiday Season, Give Well. Huffington Post.
  • Pue, Kristen. (15 December 2015). Beware Zuckerbergs Bearing Gifts: the Downsides of Billionaire Charity. iPolitics.
  • Pue, Kristen, Vandergeest, Christian, Literovich, Ian, Shafiq, Seher and Simmonds, Faye. (June 2014). Social Entrepreneurship – Considerations for Policy Makers and Practitioners.Social Entrepreneurs Ireland.
  • Pue, Kristen. (24 April 2013). A “Big City Charter” for Edmonton and Calgary: Explaining the Role of Municipalities in Canada’s Federal Framework.Centre for Constitutional Studies.

Awards and Distinctions

  • Government of Ontario: Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2018-2019)
  • SSHRC: Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Doctoral Scholarship (2015-2018); Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement (2017); Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Master’s Scholarship (2013-2014)
  • Government of Alberta: Sir James Lougheed Award of Distinction (2017-2018); Person’s Case Scholarship (2011)
  • University of Toronto: Richard Simeon Doctoral Student Scholarship (2017); Michael Donnelly Graduate Fellowship in Political Economy (2017); A.W. Johnson Graduate Scholarship for the Study of Canadian Government and Public Administration (2017); C.B. Macpherson Dissertation Fellowship (2017)
  • University of Toronto Alumni Association: Graduate Scholarship (2017)
  • Lupina Foundation: Comparative Program on Health and Society Social Determinants of Health Master’s Fellowship (2013-2014)


I have been a member of the Canadian Red Cross Greater Toronto Area Disaster Management Team since 2014. In that volunteer role, I have deployed across Canada for the BC Wildfires 2017, Ottawa Floods 2017, and Alberta Wildfires 2016 (in addition to local responses, which are more frequent).

As an Undergraduate and Master’s student, I debated competitively in Canada and internationally.

If you would like to know something a little bit more fun: I play softball and volleyball and read a lot of classic sci-fi novels.