Léonie Poulin


My name is Léonie and I’m a journalism student at UQÀM. I’m a person who loves (maybe too much!) to get involved at school. I am part of several student media such as CHOQ.ca, Le Culte and L’Apostrophe. I am also very passionate about cinema, I even have a certificate in film studies from Laval University.

My paths crossed with the PhiLab Podcast so that I could take care of the production and editing of the ballado. I’m looking forward to learning more about philanthropy


Reportage audio sur le film Terra Femme au RIDM

J’ai animé “Dans les airs”, une émission en direct de CHOQ.ca

Reportage vidéo réalisé dans le cadre d’un travail d’école sur La conservation du patrimoine religieux: La conservation du patrimoine religieux 

La conservation du patrimoine religieux

Prix et distinctions

Bourse étudiante venant de CScience pour couvrir l’AESTQ
