Thériault, L. and H. LeBreton. (2015). “Social Assistance in New Brunswick: Origins, Developments, and the Current Situation.” Chapter 11 in Welfare Reform in Canada: Provincial Social Assistance in Comparative Perspective, edited by D. Béland and P.-M. Daigneault, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 209-221.
Thériault, L. (2014). Exploring 50 Years of Canadian Theses on Co-operatives. Journal of Co-operative Studies, Vol. 47, No. 1: 56-70.
Theriault, L., Low, J., & Luke, A. (2014). Negotiating the System: Social Workers in Home Support in New Brunswick. Canadian Review of Social Policy/Revue canadienne de politique sociale, (70), pp. 64-77.
Thériault, L. (2012) “The Foundations of the Social Economy: Co-operatives, Non-profits, and Other Social Enterprises.” Chapter 2 in Social Economy: Communities, Economies, and Solidarity in Atlantic Canada, edited by S. Novkovic and L. Brown, Cape Breton University Press, 2012, pp.22-38.
Thériault, L. and M. Haan. (2012). Non-profit Immigrant Settlement Agencies in New Brunswick: Answering the Call for Population Growth?Halifax: Atlantic Metropolis Centre Working Paper Series.
Thériault, L., Leclerc, A. and A. Wisniewski. (2010) Not just an Apartment Building: Residents: Quality of Life in a Social Housing Co-operative. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 1(1):82-100.
Gill, C.and L. Thériault. (2009) Using Conditional Sentences in Domestic Violence Cases: A New Brunswick Exploration. Canadian Review of Social Policy, 10(63/64):83-101.
Theriault, L. (2009) Moving Back into the Shadow: Social Economy, Social Policy and the Harper Government. In R. Laforest (Ed.) The New Federal Agenda and The Voluntary Sector. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 61-80.
Thériault, L., Skibbens, R., and L. Brown, A Portrait of Co-operatives and Credit Unions in Atlantic Canada. Social Economy and Sustainability Research Network, Working Paper 2008-01, Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent University, September 2008, 46 pages.
Thériault, L McTiernan, H., and C. Gill. “Resources and Challenges of Charitable Human Service Organizations in New Brunswick,” The Philanthropist, vol. 21, no. 3 (2008): 210-233.
Low, J. and L. Thériault. “Health promotion policy in Canada: lessons forgotten, lessons still to learn,” Health Promotion International, vol. 23, no. 2, (June 2008): 200-206.