Marguerite Mendell


For a long time now, I have been working with actors of the social and solidarity economy in Quebec, in particular on development tools, including finance/access to capital and public policies. I also work at the international level with organizations such as OCDE, BIT and UNRISD (United Nations), amongst others. I collaborate with researchers and actors of the GSEF (Global Social Economy Forum) and am a member of the Board of C.I.T.I.E.S and of TIESS, organizations of knowledge transfer and experiences in Quebec and internationally. I collaborated with the McConnell Foundation here in Canada and am interested in the role played by foundations as investors in social economy initiatives and/or having a social impact through their broader investment choices. Foundations are more and more investors in synergy with their traditional roles as donors.



Mendell, M. 2018. Introduction. Strategy for Knowledge Transfer of Social Finance. Best practices of Québec and strategy for adaptation to Seoul. Centre international de transfert d’innovations et de connaissances en économie sociale et solidaire (C.I.T.I.E.S). pp.1-4.

Mendell, M. and N. Neamtan. 2018. “Developing an Ecosystem of Social Finance: Québec’s Experience.” Strategy for Knowledge Transfer of Social Finance. Best practices of Québec and strategy for adaptation to Seoul. Centre international de transfert d’innovations et de connaissances en économie sociale et solidaire (C.I.T.I.E.S). Chapter 2, pp. 3-34.

Book Chapters

Mendell, M. 2018. “Commoning and the Commons – Alternatives to a Market Society” in Michael Brie and Thomas Clausberger, (eds.), Karl Polanyi’s Vision of Socialist Transformation. Montreal, Black Rose Books.

Mendell, M. and Béatrice Alain. 2015. “Enabling the Social and Solidarity Economy through the Co-Construction of Public Policy” in Peter Utting (ed.), Social and Solidarity Economy Beyond the Fringe. London, Zed Books, pp. 166-182.

Mendell, M. 2015. “Democratizing Capital: Social and Solidarity Finance in Quebec” in Ngai Pun, Ben Hok-bun Ku, Hairong Yan, Anita Koo (eds.), Social Economy in China and the World. London, Routledge, pp. 94-114.

Articles in a peer-reviewed journal

Mendell, M. 2017. “Reflections on the evolving landscape of social enterprise in North America,” Policy and Society, Vol. 29, Iss. 3, pp. 243-256.

Working Paper

Carriere, B., M. Mendell and R. Rouzier. 2016. “National Portrait. Public Policy Instruments Enabling Impact Investment Funds.” Responsible Investment Initiative. (SSHRC-CURA). Carleton University. October. 63p.


  • Member, Order of Canada, Government of Canada (2017)
  • Officière, Ordre national du Québec, Gouvernement du Québec (2014)
  • Provost’s Circle of Distinction, Concordia University (2014)
  • Outstanding Faculty/Staff Award, Concordia University (2014)
  • Prix Marie-Andrée-Bertrand – Catégorie: Scientifique, Ministère de la Culture et des Communications et du Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie, Gouvernement du Québec (2013)
  • Prix Pierre-Dansereau de l’engagement social du chercheur, Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS) (2012)
  • Finaliste, Prix de la Personnalité internationale de l’année, Centre d’études et de recherches internationales de l’Université de Montréal (CÉRIUM), Émission Une heure sur terre de Radio-Canada, et Le Devoir (2012)