Marie J. Bouchard


Marie J. Bouchard is a researcher at PhiLab and is also: President of the Scientific Commission Social and Cooperative Economy of CIRIEC International, the International center of research and information on public, social and cooperative economy; President of the Technical workgroup for statistics on cooperatives of COPAC, the Committee for the promotion and advancement of cooperatives, presided over by the International work organization; Manager of the Collective companies axis of CRISES, the Research center on social innovation; member of the Scientific committee of TIESS, Innovative territories in social and solidarity economy; and member of RQIS, the Quebec network of social innovation.


Bouchard, M.J., « Methods and indicators to evaluate the social economy » (2017), dans CIRIEC (sous la direction de Monzon, J.-L. et R. Chaves), Recent evolutions of the Social Economy in the European Union, Bruxelles, European Economic and Social Committee, p. 91-98.

Bouchard, M.J. et B. Lévesque, « Les innovations sociales et l’économie sociale : nouveaux enjeux de transformation sociale » (2017), dans Defourny, J. et M. Nyssens, Économie sociale et solidaire. Socio-économie du 3secteur, Paris et Bruxelles, De Boeck, 2017, p. 397-442.

Bouchard, M.J. et D. Rousselière (2015), « Do Hybrid Organizational Forms of the Social Economy have a Greater Chance of Surviving? An Examination of the Case of Montreal », Voluntas, 2016, vol. 27, no4, pp. 1894-1922. DOI 10.1007/s11266-015-9664-1,

Bouchard, M.J., Cruz Filho, P., Zerdani, T. (2015), « Social enterprise in Québec. Understanding their ‘institutional footprint’ », Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy-Journal, vol. 6, no 1, printemps 2015, p. 42-62.

Bouchard, M.J., D. Rousselière (Eds) (2015), The Weight of the Social Economy. An International Perspective, Brussels/ Berne/ Berlin/ Frankfurt am Main/ New York/ Oxford/ Wien, PIE Peter Lang, collection Social and Public Economy, 360 p.

Bouchard, Marie J., Catherine Trudelle, Louise Briand, Juan-Luis Klein, Benoît Lévesque, David Longtin, Mathieu Pelletier (2015), « Chapter 3. A Relational Database to Understand Social Innovation and its Impact”, in A. Nicchols, J. Simon and M. Gabriel (eds), New Frontiers in Social Innovation Research, London, Palgrave Macmillan, p. 69-85.

Bouchard, M.J. (dir.) (2013), Innovation in the Social Economy. The Quebec Experience. Toronto, University of Toronto Press.

Bouchard, Marie J. (2012), «Social innovation, an analytical grid for understanding social economy. The example of the Québec housing sector», Service Business, vol. 6, no 1, p.47-59. DOI : 10,1007/s11628-011-0123-9

Bouchard M.J. et N. Richez-Battesti (2010), L’évaluation de l’économie sociale dans une perspective internationale, numéro spécial d’Économie et solidarités, vol. 38, no 2.

Bouchard, M.J. (ed.) (2009), The Worth of the Social Economy. An International Perspective, Brussels/ Berne/ Berlin/ Frankfurt am Main/ New York1 Oxford/ Wien, PIE Peter Lang, Ciriec collection Social and Public Economy.

Prix et distinctions

  • Prix Carrière en recherche 2016, École des sciences de la gestion, Université du Québec à Montréal
  • CASC Merit Award 2012, Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation
  • Chaire de recherche du Canada en économie sociale, 2003-2013