Taïeb Hafsi


Taïeb Hafsi is a professor of the Strategy and Society department of HEC Montreal. His research is essentially about strategic management of complex organizations. Regarding studies on philanthropic organizations, he has completed works on Centraide (a book currently in press) and on the André and Lucie Chagnon Foundation. A large part of his work is about public companies. He has written over a hundred academic or professional articles and thirty-nine books or monographies on these subjects. He founded the Management International journal and is a Research Fellow of the Economic Research Forum think tank, for North Africa and the Middle East. He is a member or numerous academic associations including the Academy of Management and the Association des sciences administratives du Canada (ASAC). He is also one of the founders of the Strategic Management Society and contributed to the founding of the Association internationale de management stratégique. Before joining HEC Montreal, T. Hafsi was a professor of the Management faculty of McGill university and at the École supérieur des sciences économiques et commerciales (ESSEC) in Paris. He has an engineering diploma in chemical engineering, a Masters degree in Management from Sloan School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as a PhD from Harvard Business School.


FADIL, A., T. HAFSI, 2015. Jean-Paul Bailly : Reconcilier entreprise et société. Paris : EMS. 192 p.
TANNERY, F., J.P. DENIS, T.HAFSI, A.C. MARTINET, 2014. Encyclopédie de la stratégie. Paris: Vuibert.1847 p.
GAO, YQ., T. HAFSI, 2018. Does Charitable Giving Substitute or Complement Firm Differentiation Strategy? Evidence from Chinese Private SMEs. European Management Review. DOI: 10.1111/emre.12180 (In Press).
GAO, YQ., T. HAFSI. 2018. Political dependence, social scrutiny, and corporate philanthropy: Evidence from disaster relief. Business Ethics: A European Review (BEER). (In Press).
LABELLE, R., T. HAFSI, C. FRANCOEUR, W. BENAMAR, 2018. Family Firms’ Corporate Social Performance: A Calculated Quest for Socioemotional Wealth. Journal of Business Ethics. First Published in line in December 2015: DOI 10.1007/s10551-015-2982-9.
GAO, YQ., J. WU, T. HAFSI, 2017. The Inverted U-Shaped Relationship between Corporate Philanthropy and Spending on Research and Development: A Case of Complementarity and Competition Moderated by Firm Size and Visibility. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (CSREM). DOI: 10.1002/csr.1420.
DOBOSCZ, R. AND T. HAFSI. 2017. Gildan Activewear Inc. International Journal of Case Studies in Management. Vol 15, 3.
TIAN, Z., J. SHI, T. HAFSI, B. TIAN, 2017. How to Get Evidence? The Role of Government-Business Interaction in Evidence-based Policy Making for IOT Industry Development in China. Policy Studies. VOL. 38, NO. 1, 1–20.
GAO, YQ, T. HAFSI, 2017. Business Owners’ Achieved Social Status and Corporate Philanthropy: Evidence from Chinese Private SMEs. Journal of Management and Organization, 23,2:277-296.
HAFSI, T., HAO HU. 2016. Sectoral innovation through competing logics: The case of antidepressants in traditional Chinese medicine. Technological Forecasting and Social Change (TFSC). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2016.03.027.

Awards and Distinctions

2008 Best paper the William E. Mosher and Frederick C. Mosher Award 2008, Best paper published by an Academician,published in Public Administration Review, award by the American Society of Public Administration, for “The Changing nature or public entrepreneurship”, with Luc Bernier, Public Administration Review, Vol.67,3: 488-503; 2007.
First Commendable best paper award for “Strategizing through the capability lens: sources and outcomes of integration”, with Jad Bitar, Management Decision, May 2007
Best business book award by publishers of Quebec. Prize: 10,000$. 2009. For: La stratégie des organizations: de l’analyse à l’action,published by Montréal: Editions Transcontinental (with F. Séguin et C. Demers).
2016 award for best research book by the FNEGE-EFMD » for « Encyclopédie de la stratégie ». Edited with Tannery, F., J-P. Denis and A-C. Martinet.
2018, best strategy article presented at the ASAC conference 2018 for “The influence of CEO positive affectivity on Corporate entrepreneurship.


Particular interest for the strategy of organizations in developing countries and situations of great institutional turbulence.