Pre-Covid, never in the history of humanity have profits and the concentration of wealth been so high. According to Forbes, the number of millionaires has boomed globally. With such accumulation of wealth came a golden age of philanthropy. This trend was accompanied by a widening gap between the rich and the poor, as well as a failure to eliminate inequalities. Then, COVID happened. It comes as no surprise that social issues of the past remain a challenge. The current crisis has accentuated the failures of our economic system and the effects of decades of concerted efforts to welfare cuts. Indeed, the impacts of poverty and inequalities are further amplified by the current health crisis.
This special edition, led by PhiLab’s Ontario Hub, focuses on the discriminatory practices of the past that are now an integral part of our system’s current lack of resiliency in coping with COVID. Perhaps the pandemic has exposed the limits of philanthropy, but it has also revealed how the sector can adapt, and attempt to face the gigantic task ahead. What remains to be seen is if these new initiatives are here to stay, or are simply short-term commitments; and if a social justice approach to philanthropy will prevail in a post-pandemic era.
Enjoy your reading!
- Editorial – COVID-19: Revealing Social Inequalities, by Manuel Litalien and François Brouard, Ontario Hub Supervisors
- Interview: Stephanie Procyk and Ruth Crammond of United Way Greater Toronto, by Andrea Kovacs Sykes, Ontario Hub
- Pullback Podcast: Interview with Steven Ayer: Toronto Foundation Fallout Report, by Kristen Pue, Ontario Hub
- Interview with Trea Stormhunter & Gail Bitternose: How COVID-19 has exacerbated social inequalities within Indigenous Communities in Western Canada, par Katherine Mac Donald, PhiLab Canada
- Interview with Marie Simard, Cultural project manager, programming, citizen mobiliztion, logistics and social art at Paroles d’ExcluEs, by Diane Alalouf-Hall, Quebec Hub
- The PhiLanthropic Year – COVID-19 Special Edition: L’architecture collective des solidarités à l’épreuve de la COVID-19, by Sylvain A. Lefèvre, Quebec Hub
- The PhiLanthropic Year – COVID-19 Special Edition: Philanthropy During COVID-19: The Urgency of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Lens, by Adam Saifer, Quebec Hub
- Do Not Underestimate The Social Capital of Montréal-Nord, by Diane Alalouf-Hall and Jean-Marc Fontan, published by PFC
- COVID-19 has exposed the limits of philanthropy, by Adam Saifer, published by The Conversation Canada
- Collectif des fondations québécoises responds to Adam Saifer’s opinion piece, by Le Collectif des fondations québécoises
- PFC Learning Series Tool 1: COVID-19, social inequalities and Foundations’ response, by Philanthropic Foundations Canada
- Foundations Respond to Crisis: Toward Equity?, by The Center for Effective Philanthropy
- COVID-19, Income Inequality and the Call for Philanthropy, by the Toronto of Foundation
- The Toronto Fallout Report: Key insights for an equitable recovery, by the Toronto of Foundation
Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) Equity Lightning Talks Series, by Community Foundations of Canada
- Les inégalités, l’angle mort de la pandémie?, by Mathieu Gobeil, Radio-Canada