Philanthropy & COVID-19

October 2021 : Philanthropy & COP26

In Glasgow, from October 31st to November 12th, 2021, the next edition of the Conference of Parties will take place. Under the rallying banner of “Uniting the world to tackle climate change”, this conference aims to achieve four broad objectives: reach the zero-emission and maximum 1.5-degree increase in temperature targets by 2050; adapt to protect natural habitats and communities; mobilize the financial world; and, work together to reach these goals.
The COP26 call is reminiscent of past calls and invites, hand in hand with the public, all actors – private, public or social – to work together.
How has the philanthropic grantmaking community received this call?
This special edition, led by the National Hub, is dedicated to the links to be made between the COPs, including COP26, and philanthropy, and attempts to answer this question.
Happy reading!

Newsletter October 2021: Philanthropy & COP26

Philanthropy & COP26

Newsletter content

  • Special Edition: Philanthropy & COP26
  • PhiLab Podcast Episode 3: What is PhiLab?
  • Next Edition: November 2021 – Philanthropy’s Role During a Crisis
  • Featured Philanthropic Profile
  • Featured Alliance Content