Philanthropic behavior is far reaching and exists on many levels to help others, from a small community coming together and raising money for a sick neighbor to a multinational corporation donating millions of dollars to a charity that aligns with their values. The question often remains: What motivates these individuals or entities to participate in such behavior and why? Regarding environmental philanthropy, the question is often reframed to understand the motivations of individuals contributing (either in monetary donations or time) to organizations/causes supporting the environmental movement. This Special Edition of the PhiLab Newsletter: Philanthropy, Climate Change, and the Environment highlights ongoing work in the philanthropic sector specific to the fight against climate change, and building a more sustainable future.
As this edition of the newsletter gets ready for publication, PhiLab’s Atlantic Hub welcomes a new Director as of December 1st, 2020: Dr. Kelly Vodden. Dr. Vodden is currently engaged in national and sub-national regional projects looking at philanthropy and its impact on rural Canada – with one project specifically investigating environmental philanthropy in Newfoundland and Labrador. This is a great time to welcome Dr. Vodden as the director of the PhiLab Atlantic Hub as her work directly contributes to this edition of the newsletter.
Enjoy your reading!
- Editorial: Philanthropy, Climate Change & the Environment, by Brady Reid, Atlantic Hub
- What’s Happening with Environmental Philanthropy in NL and Atlantic Canada?, by Miranda Ivany, Atlantic Hub
- Podcast: Addressing the Plastics Crisis – Interview with Greenpeace Canada’s Sarah King, by Kristen Pue, Ontario Hub
- Climate Disasters, Philanthropy, and the State: The Transformation of the Canadian Red Cross, 2013-2019, by Kristen Pue, Ontario Hub
- Interview: Jacques Bordeleau, President and CEO of the Béati Foundation, by Katia Scherer, Quebec Hub
- Interview: Éric St-Pierre, President of the Trottier Family Foundation, by David Grant-Poitras, Quebec Hub
- Research Report: Foundations and Climate Action Exploratory Research, by Jacqueline Colting-Stol, Quebec Hub
- When Giving Money is no Longer Enough: The Limits of Traditional Philanthropy when faced with the Climate Crisis, by Diane Alalouf-Hall, David Grant-Poitras and Caroline Bergeron, Quebec Hub
- The Fondation de l’UQAM quietly divests from fossil fuels, by David Grant-Poitras, Quebec Hub
- Divestment from Fossil Fuels in University Foundations: ULaval’s Experience, by David Grant-Poitras, Quebec Hub
- Can Philanthropic Funds Capitalize on Fossil Fuels?, by Caroline Bergeron, Quebec Hub
- Panel : Rôle et fonction de l’investissement responsable et de la philanthropie subventionnaire dans la transition sociale et écologique, by Nancy Neamtan, Quebec Hub
- Report: Building Canada’s Low Carbon Future: Opportunities for the Philanthropic Sector, by Environment Funders Canada
- Pour une relance verte, solidaire et prospère, by Eric St-Pierre, LaPresse
Consult our November 2020 newsletter: Philanthropy, Climate Change & the Environment here