Quebec Hub

Éditorial: Philanthropie et intelligence artificielle

Blog, Quebec Hub

L’Histoire est garnie de rebondissements. Le 26 mars 1811, la mouvance luddiste se met en marche. Les luddistes sont des ouvriers-ouvrières ou des artisans-artisanes de manufactures anglaises qui se sont […]

Philanthropy from a transnational and grassroots perspective

Blog, Quebec Hub, Student Publications

How mutual aid and community care ignite further grassroots organizing possibilities for long-term change: Reflections from the case of Kapit-Bisig Laban COVID Montreal This article reflects on the Montreal chapter […]

Editorial: Philanthropy Abroad

Blog, Quebec Hub

Since the inception of the Canadian Philanthropy Partnership Research Network in 2014, PhiLab researchers have explored a myriad of topics and questions around the Canadian philanthropic sector. Naturally, most of […]

Editorial : Canadian Philanthropy and the War in Ukraine

Blog, Quebec Hub, Quebec Hub, Sin categorizar, Western Hub, Western Hub

This editorial introduces our May 2022 Special Edition: The War in Ukraine: The Role of Canadian Philanthropy. The role played by philanthropy in times of humanitarian crisis is as much […]