Le PhiLab est heureux d’annoncer qu’un des projets de recherche financé par le PhiLab, l’Observatoire de la philanthropie, a été officiellement reconnue par l’ESG le 8 avril 2021.
Entrevue avec Thierry Durand Première partie : Regard sur un centre d’action bénévole atypique Par Charles DuprezDuprez, candidat à la maitrise en responsabilité sociale et environnementale à l’UQAM Convergence action bénévole offre des services […]
This editorial ‘Charitable Tax Law and a Fair and Just COVID-19 Recovery‘ introduces PhiLab’s January 2021’s Special Edition: Philanthropy and Charitable Tax Law For those of us who work within—or alongside—the […]
The Quebec Hub’s annual conference will be held online on May 7th, 2021, following the discussions from ACFAS (May 5th and 6th, 2021) The PhiLab Quebec team is proud to […]
PhiLab is happy to share an article recently published by Humanitarian Alternatives, of which three Quebec Hub members are co-authors: Diane Alalouf-Hall, Jean-Marc Fontan and David Grant-Poitras. How did Canada, […]