Our research in Atlantic Canada covers two interdependent domains. First, we wish to map the network of exchanges between foundations giving and receiving grants in Newfoundland. This includes the movement of money (who is making donations, who collects funds, how are they distributed?) and of information (how do national politics interact with local ideas, how do ideas travel between urban and rural areas?). Second, we will evaluate the rural capacity within the grantmaking ecosystem of Atlantic Canada. We expect to find differences between Atlantic Canada and peripheral and rural regions, and more urban Canadian contexts regarding the overall philanthropic context and the role of foundations.
We wonder how location influences the willingness of donors to support philanthropic organizations and we will examine how interdisciplinary partnerships are formed between universities, governments, industries, the public and other NGOs in the objective of maximizing the impact of philanthropy on the sustainability of communities. This combines an interest in the concept of “proof-based philanthropy” (sometimes coined effective altruism) and the ways to update follow-up and impact report systems for rural philanthropy to promote positive community development.

PhiLab Atlantic Hub: Funding for MA student
Descripción En julio de 2020, se otorgaron fondos para apoyar a un estudiante de Maestría en Política Ambiental en el ...

Mi’kma’ki 2030 – Restorying Climate Just Futures Event
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El papel de la actividad filantrópica en el apoyo a la sostenibilidad social en las zonas rurales de Terranova
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Rural Philanthropy: Mapping Patterns of Charitable Giving in the Environmental Sector in NL and Canada’s Atlantic Region
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Mapping of resources supporting the development of the Canadian philanthropic ecosystem (Wings comparative study)
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Regroupement des institutions théâtrales au Québec : partage de l’apprentissage dans la pratique de la philanthropie
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Le théâtre jeune public : une manière unique de réaliser la philanthropie de proximité
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Philanthropie culturelle: De la théorie à l’action grâce au codéveloppement
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Les politiques culturelles de soutien à la philanthropie au Québec
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