News from PhiLab’s Affiliate International Research Unit in France

Blog, International

PhiLab is happy to present you with the most recent news from our affiliate International research unit in France.


PSSP is a social sciences research program on philanthropy. It is multidisciplinary and international. It aims at structuring, developing, and disseminating knowledge on philanthropy, especially in relation to the State. PhiLab has been a partner from the beginning and both projects participate in common events that bring together researchers as well as philanthropic actors, in France and in Canada.










Our partner, Alliance Magazine, has published an article on their research:

New research from PSSP (Philanthropy & Social Sciences Program) in France released this week explores the flexibility and collaboration between philanthropic actors in the French sector in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Anne Monier, a PhiLab member, is now on the ESSEC’s Chair on Philanthropy. Since 2020, they have a podcast on philanthropy research. We invite you to listen to their many episodes.

Plongez au coeur de la recherche avec la Chaire Philanthropie de l’ESSEC. Chaque mois, nous synthétisons, commentons et questionnons un article, un livre ou un chapitre de livre, autour d’une problématique propre à la philanthropie. Un format court de 5 à 10 minutes, pour aller à l’essentiel : poser les bonnes questions et donner vie aux résultats de la recherche. 

Une invitation à écouter ce que nous dit la recherche pour mieux comprendre notre société, à travers le prisme du phénomène philanthropique. Que vous soyez philanthrope, professionnel du secteur non lucratif, ou simplement curieux, n’hésitez pas ! Ensemble, redonnons à la recherche la place qu’elle mérite dans notre quotidien.