The PhiLanthropic Year Volume 4 – Openness & Transparency

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Année PhiLanthropique Volume 4

Initially, the case for openness, transparency and accountability can seem relatively straight forward: simply provide more information in an open and accessible fashion. Yet, as the 2022 edition of The PhiLanthropic Year illustrates, there is a lot of action beneath what would otherwise appear to be a calm exterior.

We hope that this edition of our annual journal provides a catalyst for foundations, researchers, students, and community members to explore with purpose and meaning the implications of being open, transparent, and accountable.

The PhiLanthropic Year is a journal that specializes in the transmission of scientific and professional knowledge within the philanthropic sector, and more specifically, grantmaking philanthropy. The journal meets the need of rendering available, in French and English, knowledge mainly produced by or highlighted by the scientific activities that take place within the Canadian Philanthropy Partnership Research Network (PhiLab).

Published annually, each issue is taken in charge by a different editorial team that is connected to PhiLab. The team, from a management point of view, is responsible for the design as well as the creation and management of a call for contributions. By publishing the PhiLanthropic Year, we make sure to act as a complement to the existing offer of scientific literature and publications directed to the general public.

The PhiLanthropic Year is part of a global strategy implemented by PhiLab to spread awareness of the successes as much as of the issues of the Canadian philanthropic ecosystem while paving the way for comparisons with existing practices from around the world. Finally, let us recognize that the creation of our journal could not have been possible without the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

Find the flip-through version here

Find the full PDF version here

Below is the list of individual articles found in the journal:

Main artist of the edition: MélikaFind more of their work here