Sarah Lavallée


I am currently a Community Development student at Acadia University who is working on my undergraduate honours research on the topic of greenspace attachment and community resiliency. I am passionate about finding ways that communities can become more resilient to climate change and other external threats (such as COVID-19), by increasing social cohesion. I have a passion for facilitating and connecting community stakeholders, and I hope to continue refining this skill in my future endeavors.

Awards & distinctions

  • Arthur Irving scholarship for environmental studies at Acadia University (2018-present)
  • Dean’s List recipient (2018-present)
  • Academic All-Canadians Recipient (2018-present)


I run for Acadia’s varsity cross-country and track team. I enjoy spending time outdoors being active in as many ways as possible– running, biking, hiking, kayaking, and skiing! I am also passionate about sustainable food and communal living. I strive to bring these aspects into my daily life as much as possible.