Wendy Reid


Wendy Reid is currently an Honorary Professor of the Management department of HEC Montréal. Her research interests reside in the Arts and in nonprofit organizations, focused on leadership, governance, and philanthropy. In addition to the variety and richness of an over 25 year long professional career in the management of cultural organizations, she is a trained cellist and detains both an MBA and Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from the York University of Toronto. Wendy also received the recognition of the American Marketing Association in 1989 for the Marketer of the Year Award.


  • REID, Wendy, co-editor with Ruth Rentschler and Chiara Carolina Donelli (2025 – in process). Routledge Companion of Arts Governance, Leadership and Philanthropy Routledge-Oxon.
  • REID, Wendy & Hilde Fjellvaer (2023). Co-leadership in arts and culture: Sharing values and vision. Peer evaluated as part of Routledge Research in Creative and Cultural Industries Management, edited by Ruth Rentschler.
  • REID, Wendy (2022).  La capitalisation en philanthropie dans le secteur des arts : politiques culturelles et entrepreneuriat privé au Québec, in État des lieux sur la philanthropie subventionnaire Québécoise, edited by Diane Alalouf, Caroline Bergeron, Jean-Marc Fontan, Presses de l’Université du Québec, p. 167-182.

  • ORILLARD, Laurence, REID, Wendy; «André Feher et l’Orchestre symphonique de Kitchener-Waterloo : Un leadership ancré dans le métier» Leaders du monde artistique, PUQ, 2021.
  • REID, Wendy; Repenser la Philanthropie Culturelle à Montréal : les Relations et la Communauté, Conseil des arts de Montréal, septembre, 2020
  • TREMBLAY, Maryse, REID, Wendy; «Apprendre la générosité : démystifier la campagne de financement participatif» Revue international de cas en gestion, vol. 18, no 3, 2020.
  • OUELLET, Isabelle, GAULIN, Ginette, REID, Wendy; « Mike Ward et le petit Jérémy : drôle ou pas, là n’est pas la question! », Revue internationale de cas en gestion, vol. 16, no 3, 2018, p. 1-11.
  • LÉVY, Yvanca, REID, Wendy; « Bal-bénéfice des Ballets Jazz de Montréal : comment assurer la pérennité du financement privé? (Le) », Revue internationale de cas en gestion, vol. 15, no 1, 2017.
  • CÔTÉ, Martine B., MUSIAL, Roxanne, REID, Wendellyn; « Philanthropes engagés au service de la musique classique : les bénévoles de l’Orchestre symphonique de Québec », Revue internationale de cas en gestion, vol. 14, no 3, 2016.
  • PLOUFFE, Karine, REID, Wendellyn; « Galerie d’art Foreman de l’Université Bishop’s : comment jongler avec des perspectives différentes (La) », Revue internationale de cas en gestion, vol. 14, no 2, 2016.
  • KING, Brian, REID, Wendellyn; « Dans la rue: Balancing the Heart and the Pocketbook = Dans la rue : l’équilibre entre le cœur et le portefeuille », Revue internationale de cas en gestion, vol. 14, no 1, 2016, p. 1-18.
  • Gibeau, Emilie, Wendy Reid & Ann Langley (2017). Co-leadership`: Contexts, configurations and conditions, in Storey, John, Jean Hartley, Jean-Louis Denis, Paul ‘T Hart, Dave Ulrich (editors): The Routledge Companion to Leadership, London, Routledge.
  • Reid, Wendy & Rekha Karambayya (2016). « The shadow of history: Situated dynamics of trust in dual executive leadership », Leadership (Sage), 12(5) 609-631.
  • Beaulieu, Marie & Wendy Reid (2016). Ludmilla Chiriaeff : Femme de conviction et fondatrice d’institutions dédiées à la danse au Québec. Revue internationale des cas en gestion, Vol 14, No 2, 34 pages, with teaching notes, 20 pages.
  • Reid, Wendy, Audrey-Anne Cyr & Renaud Legoux (2015). « Training of Management in the Arts and Culture Sectors: Something borrowed, something new…A literature review for SSHRC ‘Imagining Canada’s Future »
  • Reid, Wendy & Claudine Auger (2015). « L’exploration du leadership bicéphale dans les entreprises culturelles », Gestion 39(4) 122-130.
  • Reid, Wendy & Johanne Turbide (2013). « Dilemmas in the board-staff dynamics of governance », inNew Perspectives on Nonprofit Governance, edited by Chris Cornforth and William Brown, Routledge, London p. 163-182.
  • Reid, Wendy (2013). « Beneath the surface and around the table: Board group dynamics and implications for governance », in New Perspectives on Nonprofit Governance, edited by Chris Cornforth and William Brown, Routledge, London p. 123-141.
  • Reid, Wendy (2013). « Dual executive leadership: A case study and discussion of Théâtre Denise-Pelletier in Montréal, Canada » in Leadership in the Arts: Study Cases, edited by Jo Caust, Tilde University Press.
  • Reid, Wendy (2013) “Artists and Managers as Executive Leaders of Arts Organizations” in Kultur und Management: Eine Annäherung  edited by Raphaela Henze,. Weisbaden: Springer VS.
  • Laframboise, Andréanne & Wendy Reid (2013). Pauline Vaillancourt : Visionnaire de Chants Libres (also in English), Revue internationale de cas en gestion, 11(3), 31 pages, with teaching notes, 16 pages.
  • Reid, Wendy & Johanne Turbide (2012). “Board/Staff Relations in a Growth Crisis: Implications for Governance”, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly41(1) 82-98.
  • Reid, Wendy & Rekha Karambayya (2009). “Impact of dual executive leadership in creative organizations”, Human Relations62(7) 1073-1112.
  • Gazaille, Raymonde & Wendy Reid (2009). Rémi Brousseau et Pierre Rousseau : Le Théâtre Denise-Pelletier, Catalogue du Centre de Cas, HEC Montréal, 16 pages with pedagogical notes (with Simon Thibodeau)

Awards and Distinctions

  • 2018-19, Reid, Wendy (main researcher) Appui pour rédaction d’un livre scientifique : Co-leadership in Arts, Culture and Creative Industries : Sharing Values and Visions. Publication de Routledge. Programme d’aide à la rédaction d’ouvrages édités. 7 500 $.
  • 2016-17, Reid, Wendy (main researcher). Philanthropy and fundraising as identity work in nonprofit arts institutions across Canada. Programme d’aide au démarrage d’un projet de recherché à HEC Montréal, 7 500 $.
  • 2015-2016, Reid, Wendy (main researcher) and Renaud Legoux (Co-researcher). Management of the Arts and Culture: Something borrowed, something new… Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Imagining Canada’s Future program, 25 450 $.
  • 2013-2016, Reid, Wendy (main researcher). Transition to philanthropic revenue in nonprofit arts organizations: A study of governance and cultural change. Fonds de recherche de la société et de la culture au Québec (FQRSC), 39 600 $.
  • 2013, Reid, Wendy (main researcher). When “talent” becomes executive leadership: Competing values and dynamics in a role transition. Programme d’aide au démarrage d’un projet de recherche à HEC Montréal, 5 000 $.
  • 2011-2014, Mary Waller (main researcher) & Wendy Reid (co-researcher). Behind the Curtain: A Study of High Performance Action Teams in Professional Theatre. Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), 75 585 $.
  • Reid, Wendy (co-researcher with Mary Waller). Behind the Curtain: a Study of High Performance Action Teams in Professional Theatre. Programme d’aide au démarrage d’un projet de recherché à HEC Montréal, 4 500 $.


As a manager in the nonprofit arts sector in Toronto and Montreal for 25 years, I participated as a philanthropy professional for the National Ballet of Canada (1983-1991), the Canadian Center for Architecture (1991-1992) and, as General Director, for the Grands Ballets Canadiens (1992-1996). As a professor of the  Management of the Arts and Culture at HEC Montréal, I developed and teach the Philanthropy and Management of Cultural Enterprises course. From there, I triggered several research projects in the cultural philanthropy sector, especially a report on cultural philanthropy in Montreal for the Conseil des arts de Montréal. I remain very involved in the Arts as a mentor and coach for young professionals in the sector. I participated in the founding of the group “Conversations philanthropiques en culture“. We have organized Cultural Philanthropy Days in 2018 and 2019.