November 2021 – Philanthropy’s role in a crisis


Of course, when there is mention of crisis, COVID-19 immediately comes to mind. However, there exist many other crises, some which have been exposed or exacerbated by the pandemic, such as social inequalities, systemic racism, healthcare system, housing, labor, or economic crises. With COP26 omnipresent in the media lately, we cannot omit the climate crisis from the list either. Let us remember that in 2008, Environment Funders Network (then called the Canadian Environmental Grantmakers Network – CEGN) made a call to question philanthropy’s role in fighting climate change. While it may seem obvious that the philanthropic sector has played, and continues to play a role in the various crises we face, what exactly is their role? How does the philanthropic sector organize and mobilize itself in times of crisis?

This special edition, led by the Ontario Hub. sets out to answer these questions by bringing several reflection points to the table.

Enjoy your reading!

November 2021 Newsletter: Philanthropy’s role in a crisis

Philanthropy's role in a crisis

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