The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals strive for global wellbeing through multi-level action. Each of these objectives presents significant challenges, such as poverty, hunger, education, health, social inequalities, employment and the environment. We must aim for a collaborative approach. This newsletter presents certain aspects of sustainable development. Philanthropic action, through its many partnerships with communities, contributes to the improvement of society, while also protecting the planet. This will allow us to live in harmony with the planet for as long as possible. After all, there is only one planet Earth! This special edition, led by PhiLab’s Ontario Hub, brings together articles that make the connection between philanthropy and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Enjoy your reading!
- Editorial: Philanthropy, SDGs and COVID-19, by Manuel Litalien, Ontario Hub
- Les fondations face à l’ODD 2 “Faim ‘Zéro'” à Montréal: Une forme de citoyenneté alimentaire (In French only), by Katia Scherer, Quebec Hub
- Interview: Andrew Chunilall, Chef de la Direction de Community Foundations Canada, by Manuel Litalien, Ontario Hub
- Interview: Jennifer Brennan, Head of Canada Programs at the Mastercard Foundation, on the SDGs, by Manuel Litalien, Ontario Hub
- Interview: Jean-Marc Mangin, President and CEO of PFC (In French only), by Manuel Litalien, PhiLab Ontario
- Self-Determination and Philanthropy’s Response to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the COVID-19 Pandemic, by Lanyan Chen, Western Hub
- A Conundrum for Sustainability and Evaluating Philanthropy: How (and Whether) to Compare Environmental and Social Impacts, by Garrett Ward Richards, Atlantic Hub
- Ongoing Case Research on Philanthropic innovation for sustainability: A multiple case study on how foundations support Sustainable Development Goals, by Marta Rey-Garcia, International Hub (Espagne) and Rosane Dal Magro, Quebec Hub
- Mapping the climate philanthropy ecosystem: Foundations’ roles and strategies to address SDG 13, by Jacqueline Colting-Stol, Quebec Hub
- Signesvitaux du Grand Montréal 2020: Portrait 2000 à 2019, by Fondation du Grand Montréal
- Guide and Toolkit: A Community Foundation Resource on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, by Community Foundations Canada
- Courage and bravery: How can philanthropy step up for the SDGs?, by Community Foundations Canada
- Podcast: No Little Plans, by Community Foundations Canada
- A free copy of Alliance magazine’s issue on Why philanthropy should care about the SDGs.
June 2020 Newsletter – Philanthropy and the Sustainable Development Goals