Personne(s) ressource(s)
- Jehad Aliweiwi
Titre ou Fonction
- Directeur Exécutif
Centre régional
- Ontario
Adresse(s) courriel
Site(s) internet
Description de l’organisme
Laidlaw Foundation supports young people impacted by the justice, education, and child-welfare systems to become healthy and engaged by investing in innovative ideas, convening interested parties, advocating for systems change, and sharing learning across the sector.
The Laidlaw Foundation’s mission statement serves as our guide for our collective activities that help us deliver on our vision for the future. With our bold commitment to youth impacted by the justice, education, and child welfare systems, our mission statement builds on our history and our strengths as a foundation while focusing in on areas of greatest need for youth. We will continue to invest in youth-led and youth-centred ideas, will convene key stakeholders in the sector, will advocate for systems changes that meet youths’ needs, and will share our learning across the youth sector so that all youth in Ontario can achieve their full potential.
Partenariat avec le PhiLab
We have been engaged with the process of developing this research proposal and feel that the research objectives will serve to improve, modernize and connect grant-making organizations like ours to better respond to long-standing social, economic and environmental challenges facing our society.
As a Foundation engaged in collective impact work, we understand the value and importance of such approach. We want to be part of this to increase our learning, connect with other grant-makers who are trying to respond to similar challenges and embrace a new way of investing in our communities that is effective and strategic. The goals of the research led by Jean-Mark Fontan will provide important insight and needed evidence to demonstrate the benefit and effectiveness of collective impact.