Natalya Brown


Dr. Natalya Brown was born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica. She earned a BSc. in Economics from the University of West Indies-Mona and an MA in Economics from the University of Houston. She then earned an MSc. and Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Brown holds a cross-appointment with the School of Business and the Department of Political Science, Philosophy and Economics in the Faculty of Arts and Science. She is also a faculty member in Graduate Studies in Education. Her research includes the scholarship of teaching and learning, political economy, management education, financial literacy, immigrant integration, and sustainable tourism.


Ferguson, K. and N.R. Brown. Better Together? Sense of Community in the Pre-Service Teacher Cohort Model. Currents in Teaching and Learning, 11(1): 96-111.

Ferguson, K., Brown, N.R. and L. Piper. 2018. The Lasting Impact of a University Common Reading Program. Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers Yearbook, Volume 40, Engaging All Readers through Explorations of Literacy, Language, and Culture, 40: 217-234.

Ferguson, K., Brown, N.R. and L. Piper. 2018. Common Book: A Novel Approach to Teaching and Learning. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9(2).

Mang, C., Brown, N., and Piper, L. 2018. The impact of smartphones on hospitality consumer behavior, Routledge Handbook of Hospitality Marketing, Gursoy, D. (ed.), New York: Routledge, pp. 536-550.

Brown, N.R. 2017. Housing Experiences of Recent Immigrants to Canada’s Small Cities: The Case of North Bay, Ontario.  Journal of International Migration and Integration, 18(3): 719-474DOI: 10.1007/s12134-016-0498-5.

Mang, C., Brown N,. and L. Piper. 2017. ‘Old School’ meets ‘New School’: Using books and tablets to improve information literacy and promote integrative learning among undergraduate business students. International Journal of Management Education, 15(3): 449-455.

Brown, N. R. and Ferguson, K. 2017. Teaching Financial Literacy with Max and Ruby.  Childhood Education, 93(1), 58-65, DOI:10.1080/00094056.2017.1275239

Adler, A. and N.R. Brown. 2016. The production, consumption, and sharing of art, knowledge and benefits within the network of a university-community choir. Learning Landscapes Journal, 10(1): 57-80.

Mang, C., Piper, L. and Brown N. 2016. The incidence of smartphone usage among tourists. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18(6): 591-601.DOI: 10.1002/jtr.2076.

Ferguson, K. Brown, N.R. and L. Piper. 2016. Tensions and Issues in Selecting a Book for a University Common Book Program. Currents in Teaching and Learning 8(1), 58-69.

Prix et Distinctions

  • Honourable Mention, ASAC Management Education Track 2013
  • University Continuing Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin 2003-2004
  • University Tuition Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin 2002-2003
  • Charles Kennedy Award for Economics, University of the West Indies 1997


Dr. Brown is an active member of the North Bay community, volunteering her time with various community organizations including the Nipissing Transition House and the North Bay and District Multicultural Centre. She is also a member of J.O.Y. Band, a community concert band, in which she plays the trombone.