Recent publications
Blanchet-Cohen, N.,Geoffroy, P & Hoyos, L.M., (2018). Culturally safe developmental Evaluation: Supportingthe Shift in Services for Indigenous Children. Journal ofmultidisciplinary evaluation.14(31), 19-31.
Blanchet-Cohen, N. & Urud, M. (2017). Tana’Bawang: Cultural safety and the Kelabit land struggle in Borneo. AlterNatives. 13(2),170-178.
Blanchet-Cohen, N., Denov, M, Sarah, F. & Bilotta, N. (2017). The nexus of war, resettlement and education: War-affected youth’s perspectives and responses to the Quebec education system. International journal of Intercultural Relations, 60, 160-168.
Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Di Mambro, G. (2016). L’éco-citoyenneté chez les enfants : potentiel et paradoxe. Éducation relative à l’environnement. Regards, recherches et réflexions,13(2). See
Denov, M., & Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2016) Trajectories of Violence and Survival:Turnings and Adaptations in the Lives of Two War-affected Youth Living in Canada. Peace & Conflict : Journal of Peace Psychology, (22)3, 236-245.
Torres, J. et Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2016). Au-delà de l’accréditation : changement et continuité au sein des villes amies des enfants du Québec. Annales de la recherche urbaine n°111, 100-111.
Blanchet-Cohen, N. & Torres, J. (2015). Accreditation of child-friendly municipalities in Quebec: Opportunities for child participation. Children youth,environments [Special issue: Child-friendly cities: critical approaches].25(2), p. 16-32.
Blanchet-Cohen, N.,& Denov, M. (2015). War-affected children’s approach to resettlement: Implications for child and family services. [Special issue: The role ofanthropology in improving services for children and family]. Annals of Anthropological Practice,39(2), 120-133.
Ranahan, P., Blanchet-Cohen, N., Mann-Feder, V.(2015). Moving towards an integrated approach to youth work education.International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 6(4), 516-538.
Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Di Mambro, G. (2015). Environmental action research with immigrant children in schools: Space, audience and influence. Action Research, 13(2), 123-140.
Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2015). Igniting citizen participation in creating healthy built environments: The role of community organizations. Community Development Journal. 50(4), 264-279.
Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Lainé,A. (2015). Documenter le programme d’Aide aux devoirs: les éléments gagnants d’une recherche partenariale. Boite à outils des principes de recherche en contextes autochtones (pp. 27-33). CSSSPNQL, CRDP, UQAT et Réseau DIALOG. Voir
Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Brunson, L. (2014) Creating Settings for Youth Empowerment and Leadership: An Ecological Perspective. Child and Youth Services. 35, 1-21.
Denov, M.,& Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2014). The rights and realities of War-affected Refugee Children and Youth in Quebec: Making children’s rights meaningful. Canadian Journal for Children’s Rights,1,18-43.
Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Bedeaux, C. (2014). Towards a right-based approach to youth programs: Duty-bearers perspectives in Montreal. Children and Youth Services Review. 38(March), 75-81.
Powell,T., & Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2014). The Journey of Hope: A group work intervention for children who have experienced a collective trauma. Journal of Social Work with Groups, 37(4), 297 – 313.
Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2014). Researching violence with conflict-affected young people: context and process. Child Indicators Research, 7(3), 517-535.
Blanchet-Cohen, N.,& Cook, P. (2014). The transformative power of youth grants: sparks and ripples of change affecting marginalised youth and their communities. Children & Society. 28(5), 392-403.
Blanchet-Cohen, N.,Manolson, S. & Shaw, K. (2014). Youth-led decision-making in community development grants. Youth & Society.46(6), 819-834.
Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Reilly, R. (2013). Teachers’ perspectives on environmental education in multicultural contexts: Towards culturally-responsive environmental education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 36, 12-22.
Blanchet-Cohen, N., Warner, A., Di Mambro, G., & Bedeaux, C.(2013). “Du carré rouge aux casseroles”: The Québec student movement: A context for youth-adult partnership.International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 4(3), 444-463.
Langlois,M., Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Beer,T. (2013). The art of the nudge: Five practices for developmental evaluators. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 27(2), 39-59.
Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Nelems, R. (2013). A child-centered evaluation of a psychosocial program: Promoting children’s healing, safety and well-being in post-disaster contexts. Children, Youth and Environments, 23(1),23-42.
Swadener, B., Lundy, L., Habashi, J., & Blanchet-Cohen, N. (Eds.). (2013). Children’s Rights in Education: International Perspectives. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Journal special issue
Blanchet-Cohen,N., & Richardson, C. (2017). Cultural Safety: Applications and implications for Indigenous children, families, and communities AlterNatives: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples.13(2), 138-141.
Blanchet-Cohen, N. with Linds, W., Mann-Feder, V., & Yuen, F. (Eds.). (2013). Transforming practices: emancipatory approaches to youth engagement [Special issue]. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 4(3-3.1). Retrieved from
Practitioner manuals (selected)
Blanchet-Cohen, N.,& Torres, J. (2017). Living in Montreal in the 21stcentury; perspectives from young montrealers. Montreal: Fondation du GrandMontreal.
Blanchet-Cohen, N. & Torres, J. [sous la direction de]. (2013). Municipalité amie des enfants: établir une demarche participative avec les jeunes. Carrefour Action Municipale et Famille. Retrieved from
Dozois, E., Langlois, M., & Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2010). DE 201: Practitioner’s guide to developmental evaluation. Victoria: McConnell Foundation and International Institute for Child Rights and Development. Retrieve from :
Blanchet-Cohen, N., Mack, E., & Cook, M. (2010). Changing the landscape: Engaging youth in social change. Victoria: International Institute for Child Rights and Development. See:
Book chapters
Blanchet-Cohen, N., (2017). Apportdes pédagogies autochtones à l’apprentissage de l’écocitoyenneté dans L. Sauvé, I. Orellana, C.Villemagne, et B. Bader. Éducation environnement Écocitoyenneté (pp. 67-80). Québec. Presse Universitaire duQuébec.
Torres, J., & Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2016). Reaching youth: tools for participating in the upgrading and evaluation of municipal equipment and services. In R. Thomas (Ed.) Planning Canada: A case study approach (ch. 6.4). Oxford University Press: Toronto.
Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Torres, J. (2015). Enhancing citizen engagement at the municipal level:youth’s perspectives. In J. Wyn, & H. Cahill (Eds.). Handbook of Children and Youth Studies (pp.391-404). Singapore: Springer.doi 10.1007/978-981-4451-96-3_62-1
Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2015). Indigenous children’s rights: Opportunities in Appropriation and Transformation. In W. Vandenhole, E. Desmet, D. Reynaert,& S. Lembrechts (Eds). Routledge International Handbook Children’s rights studies (pp.371-386). London: Routledge.
Lundy, L., Welty,E., Swadener, B.B., Blanchet-Cohen, N.,Smith, K. & Dympha, D. (2015). What if children had been involved indrafting the UNCRC? In A. Diduck, H.Reece, & P. Noam (Eds.). Law in Society: reflections on children, family, culture and Philosophy. Essays in honour of Michael Freeman (pp.223-242). Brill Publishers.