Natasha Blanchet-Cohen


Dr. Natasha Blanchet-Cohen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Human Sciences. Her research centers on community youth development with a focus on rights-based approaches to programs and services, culture, and eco-citizenship, particularly as it relates to immigrant and indigenous young people. She is interested in the opportunities and limitations for immigrant and indigenous young people in being change agents in their schools, homes, and communities, as well as the perspectives of youth in providing for rights-based and culturally-responsive services and programs. She is also interested in developmental evaluation as a way of creating space to engage young people and communities to assess their own realities and use this knowledge to inform future action. Dr. Blanchet-Cohen has a well-rounded record of publications, and has been an invited speaker nationally and internationally in the area of youth participation and citizenship, culturally-responsive ecocitizenship, developmental evaluation, and children’s rights. As an interdisciplinary and engaged scholar, her participation in national and international initiatives have contributed to building the capacity of human ecologies – including federal, provincial, and municipal polices and services, and school, family and peer groups – to positively support the quality of young peoples’ lives.

Research interests

Child agency and child participation
Community youth development
Children and ecocitizenship
Developmental evaluation
Immigrant youth
Indigenous youth
Culturally-safe child and youth services and programs

Source: Concordia Faculty Page


Recent publications

Blanchet-Cohen, N.,Geoffroy, P & Hoyos, L.M., (2018). Culturally safe developmental Evaluation: Supportingthe Shift in Services for Indigenous Children. Journal ofmultidisciplinary evaluation.14(31), 19-31.

Blanchet-Cohen, N. & Urud, M. (2017). Tana’Bawang: Cultural safety and the Kelabit land struggle in Borneo. AlterNatives. 13(2),170-178.

Blanchet-Cohen, N., Denov, M, Sarah, F. & Bilotta, N. (2017). The nexus of war, resettlement and education: War-affected youth’s perspectives and responses to the Quebec education system. International journal of Intercultural Relations, 60, 160-168.

Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Di Mambro, G. (2016). L’éco-citoyenneté chez les enfants : potentiel et paradoxe. Éducation relative à l’environnement. Regards, recherches et réflexions,13(2). See

Denov, M., & Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2016) Trajectories of Violence and Survival:Turnings and Adaptations in the Lives of Two War-affected Youth Living in Canada.  Peace & Conflict : Journal of Peace Psychology, (22)3, 236-245.

Torres, J. et Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2016). Au-delà de l’accréditation : changement et continuité au sein des villes amies des enfants du Québec. Annales de la recherche urbaine n°111, 100-111.

Blanchet-Cohen, N. & Torres, J. (2015). Accreditation of child-friendly municipalities in Quebec: Opportunities for child participation. Children youth,environments [Special issue: Child-friendly cities: critical approaches].25(2), p. 16-32.

Blanchet-Cohen, N.,& Denov, M. (2015). War-affected children’s approach to resettlement: Implications for child and family services. [Special issue: The role ofanthropology in improving services for children and family]. Annals of Anthropological Practice,39(2), 120-133.

Ranahan, P., Blanchet-Cohen, N., Mann-Feder, V.(2015). Moving towards an integrated approach to youth work education.International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 6(4), 516-538.

Blanchet-CohenN., & Di Mambro, G. (2015). Environmental action research with immigrant children in schools: Space, audience and influence. Action Research, 13(2), 123-140.

Blanchet-Cohen, N(2015). Igniting citizen participation in creating healthy built environments: The role of community organizations. Community Development Journal. 50(4), 264-279.

Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Lainé,A. (2015). Documenter le programme d’Aide aux devoirs: les éléments gagnants d’une recherche partenariale. Boite à outils des principes de recherche en contextes autochtones (pp. 27-33). CSSSPNQL, CRDP, UQAT et Réseau DIALOG. Voir

Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Brunson, L. (2014) Creating Settings for Youth Empowerment and Leadership: An Ecological Perspective. Child and Youth Services. 35, 1-21.

Denov, M.,& Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2014). The rights and realities of War-affected Refugee Children and Youth in Quebec: Making children’s rights meaningful. Canadian Journal for Children’s Rights,1,18-43.

Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Bedeaux, C. (2014). Towards a right-based approach to youth programs: Duty-bearers perspectives in Montreal. Children and Youth Services Review. 38(March), 75-81.

Powell,T., & Blanchet-CohenN. (2014). The Journey of Hope: A group work intervention for children who have experienced a collective trauma. Journal of Social Work with Groups, 37(4), 297 – 313.

Blanchet-Cohen, N.  (2014). Researching violence with conflict-affected young people: context and process. Child Indicators Research, 7(3), 517-535.

Blanchet-CohenN.,& Cook, P. (2014). The transformative power of youth grants: sparks and ripples of change affecting marginalised youth and their communities. Children & Society. 28(5), 392-403.

Blanchet-CohenN.,Manolson, S. & Shaw, K. (2014). Youth-led decision-making in community development grants. Youth & Society.46(6), 819-834.

Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Reilly, R. (2013). Teachers’ perspectives on environmental education in multicultural contexts: Towards culturally-responsive environmental education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 36, 12-22.

Blanchet-Cohen, N., Warner, A., Di Mambro, G., & Bedeaux, C.(2013). “Du carré rouge aux casseroles”: The Québec student movement: A context for youth-adult partnership.International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies4(3), 444-463.

Langlois,M., Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Beer,T. (2013). The art of the nudge: Five practices for developmental evaluators. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation27(2), 39-59.

Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Nelems, R. (2013). A child-centered evaluation of a psychosocial program: Promoting children’s healing, safety and well-being in post-disaster contexts. Children, Youth and Environments, 23(1),23-42.


Swadener, B., Lundy, L., Habashi, J., & Blanchet-Cohen, N. (Eds.). (2013). Children’s Rights in Education: International Perspectives. New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Journal special issue

Blanchet-Cohen,N., & Richardson, C. (2017). Cultural Safety: Applications and implications for Indigenous children, families, and communities AlterNativesAn International Journal of Indigenous Peoples.13(2), 138-141.

Blanchet-Cohen, N. with  Linds, W., Mann-Feder, V., & Yuen, F. (Eds.). (2013). Transforming practices: emancipatory approaches to youth engagement [Special issue]. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies4(3-3.1). Retrieved from

Practitioner manuals (selected)

Blanchet-Cohen, N.,& Torres, J. (2017). Living in Montreal in the 21stcentury; perspectives from young montrealers. Montreal: Fondation du GrandMontreal.

Blanchet-Cohen, N. & Torres, J. [sous la direction de](2013). Municipalité amie des enfants: établir une demarche participative avec les jeunes. Carrefour Action Municipale et Famille. Retrieved from

Dozois, E., Langlois, M., & Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2010). DE 201: Practitioner’s guide to developmental evaluation. Victoria: McConnell Foundation and International Institute for Child Rights and Development. Retrieve from :

Blanchet-Cohen, N., Mack, E., & Cook, M. (2010). Changing the landscape: Engaging youth in social change. Victoria: International Institute for Child Rights and Development. See:

Book chapters

Blanchet-Cohen, N., (2017). Apportdes pédagogies autochtones à l’apprentissage de l’écocitoyenneté dans L. Sauvé, I. Orellana, C.Villemagne, et B. Bader. Éducation environnement Écocitoyenneté (pp. 67-80). Québec. Presse Universitaire duQuébec.

Torres, J., & Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2016). Reaching youth: tools for participating in the upgrading and evaluation of municipal equipment and services. In R. Thomas (Ed.) Planning Canada: A case study approach (ch. 6.4). Oxford University Press: Toronto.

Blanchet-CohenN., & Torres, J. (2015). Enhancing citizen engagement at the municipal level:youth’s perspectives. In J. Wyn, & H. Cahill (Eds.). Handbook of Children and Youth Studies (pp.391-404). Singapore: Springer.doi 10.1007/978-981-4451-96-3_62-1

Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2015). Indigenous children’s rights: Opportunities in Appropriation and Transformation. In W. Vandenhole, E. Desmet, D. Reynaert,& S. Lembrechts (Eds). Routledge International Handbook Children’s rights studies (pp.371-386). London: Routledge.

Lundy, L., Welty,E., Swadener, B.B., Blanchet-Cohen, N.,Smith, K. & Dympha, D. (2015). What if children had been involved indrafting the UNCRC? In A. Diduck, H.Reece, & P. Noam (Eds.). Law in Society: reflections on children, family, culture and Philosophy. Essays in honour of Michael Freeman (pp.223-242). Brill Publishers.