Pamala Wiepking


Dr. Pamala Wiepking (Schiedam, 1978) est la Visiting Stead Family Chair International Philanthropy au Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. Elle étudie les explications transnationaux et interdisciplinaires de la philanthropie. Elle vise à rendre la philanthropie plus significatif pour tous les acteurs impliqués et est la récipiendaire du 2017 UMD SPP Do Good Institute-ARNOVA Award for Global Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership pour son leadership en philanthropie internationale et recherche à but non lucratif. Avec d’autres chercheurs, elle a publié sur le comportement philanthropique au sein – entre autres – des Forces Sociales, du European Sociological Review, Social Science Research, Voluntas et le Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Elle est co-éditrice (avec Femida Handy) du Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy, qui a gagné le 2016 ARNOVA Virginia A. Hodgkinson Research Book Prize. Elle est membre du Comité de rédaction du Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly et du International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. Pamala est une des membres fondatrice du European Research Network on Philanthropy et du Center for Global Generosity. Elle est aussi membre du conseil du Dutch Fundraising Institute (NLFL).


De Wit, A., Neumayr, M., Handy, F., & Wiepking, P. (2018). Do Government Expenditures Shift Private Philanthropic Donations to Particular Fields of Welfare? Evidence from Cross-country Data. European Sociological Review34(1): 6-21.

Wiepking, Pamala and Femida Handy (Eds.). (2015). The Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy.Hampshire, UK: Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN: 9781137341518.

Wiepking, Pamala, René Bekkers and Una Osili. (2014). Examining the Association of Religious Context with Giving to Non-Profit Organizations. European Sociological Review 30(5): 640-654.

Wiepking, Pamala and Marco H.D. van Leeuwen. (2013). Picturing Generosity. Factors of Success and Failure of National Campaigns in the Netherlands. Part of a symposium on national fundraising campaigns in the Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly42(2): 262-284, edited by Pamala Wiepking and Marco H.D. van Leeuwen.

Wiepking, Pamala, and Russell N. James III. (2013). Why are the Oldest Old less Generous? Explanations of the Unexpected Age-Related Drop in Charitable Giving. Ageing & Society33(3): 486-510. Open Access Publication.

Wiepking, Pamala, and René Bekkers. (2012). Who Gives? A Literature Review of Predictors of Charitable Giving II – Gender, Marital Status, Income and Wealth. Voluntary Sector Review3(2): 217-246.

Bekkers, René and Pamala Wiepking. (2011). A Literature Review of Empirical Studies of Philanthropy: Eight Mechanisms that Drive Charitable Giving. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly40(5): 924-973.

Bekkers, René, and Pamala Wiepking. (2011). Who Gives? A Literature Review of Predictors of Charitable Giving I – Religion, Education, Age and Socialization. Voluntary Sector Review 2(3): 337-365.

Wiepking, Pamala. (2010). Democrats Support International Relief and the Upper Class Donates to Art? How Opportunity, Incentives and Confidence Affect Donations to Different Types of Charitable Organizations.Social Science Research39: 1073-1087.

Wiepking, Pamala and Ineke Maas. (2009). Resources That Make You Generous: Effects of Social and Human Resources on Charitable Giving. Social Forces86(Juin): 1973-1996.

Prix et distinctions

  • 2017 UMD SPP Do Good Institute-ARNOVA Award for Global Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership
  • 2017 Best conference paper award for the paper A Different Driver? Exploring Employee Engagement in Corporate Philanthropy, at the European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP) Conference in Copenhagen, 12 juillet 2017 (avec Beth Breeze).
  • 2016 Virginia A. Hodgkinson Research Book Prize for The Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy by the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), the largest international association for research on philanthropy (avec Femida Handy).
  • 2016 Academy of Management (AOM) Emerald Best International Symposium Award at the 2016 AOM Conference (avec Femida Handy et Lonneke Roza).
  • 2016 Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Emerging Scholar Award for research on philanthropy and fundraising.