February 2022: Philanthropy & Collaboration

This issue contains a bouquet of discussions and perspectives on the topic of collaborative philanthropy, a multi-faceted concept that includes collaboration across philanthropic organizations (both giving and receiving) and between these organizations and others with an interest in philanthropic activities and outcomes, including post-secondary institutions. As the curator of this issue, the Philab Atlantic Hub contributes a piece which documents the role of research in building a collaborative network which aspires to understand and promote philanthropic collaboration in Atlantic Canada. We’ve also had the opportunity to connect with an International partner, Wings, to learn how stakeholders in a Brazilian context have come to define collaborative philanthropy.

The subject of collaboration is not new to Philab so we also cast our gaze back into some informative pieces about the nuances of philanthropic collaboration in the Canadian context. Perhaps most evocative of these are developments surrounding The Right Relations collaborative, which asks funders to define their ‘money story’ and to lay claim to the ways in which philanthropy as a sector has had a role in upholding white supremacy. The Right Relations collaborative has a vision that does away with colonial grantmaking practices and seeks to create an equitable balance of power in funding relationships with Indigenous leaders “setting the table for respectful engagement”. The Right Relations Collaborative provides insight into the language and understanding we need to speak to the main barriers to system changing collaboration amongst the different sectors of society that are referred to by some degree in all of the contributions included below.

As is often the case, these authors provide us with important insights but also raise questions for further consideration. What can we learn about the concept of philanthropy by increasing our understanding of how the different sectors in society collaborate, for example? This compilation helps to define different pieces of the diverse landscape of collaborative philanthropy. We hope it helps both researchers and practitioners see themselves within that landscape. This self-reflection can guide understanding to further define transformative future visions and values within this space.

Happy reading!


February 2022 Newsletter : Philanthropy & Collaboration

Philanthropy & CollaborationNewsletter content