The PhiLanthropic Year COVID-19 Special Edition
The PhiLanthropic Year is a journal that specializes in the transmission of scientific and professional knowledge within the philanthropic sector, and more specifically, grantmaking philanthropy. The journal meets the need of rendering available, in French and English, knowledge mainly produced by or highlighted by the scientific activities that take place within the Canadian Philanthropy Partnership Research Network (PhiLab).
The COVID-19 pandemic led us to publish the first Special Edition Edition.
Below, you will find every article included in the journal:
- Editorial (PDF compressé)
- Entrevues | Interviews
- Entrevue de David Weiser, SOS Ensemble Québec, by Stéphane Pisani. (PDF)
- Interview of Diane Roussin, Indigenous Uwinnipeg, by Andrea Kosovak-Sykes. (PDF)
- Entrevue de Lili-Anna Peresa, Centraide du Grand-Montréal, by Chalres Duprez and Jean-Marc Fontan. (PDF)
- Interview of Jessica Cytryn et Rachel Cheng, The Montreal Restaurant Workers Relief Fund, by Katherine Mac Donald. (PDF)
- Interview of the members of Kapit-Bisig Laban COVID Canada, by Jacqueline Colting-Stol, Deann Louise C. Nard and Allan Matudio (PDF)
- Entrevue de Caroline Ohrt, Danse Danse, by Maxime Bertrand. (PDF)
- PhiLab Québec | Quebec Hub
- Philanthropie de proximité: le bénévolat en période de Covid-19, by Diane Alalouf-Hall and David Grant-Poitras (PDF).
- Infographic, Philanthropy and the Coronavirus crisis: Making the shift towards a preventive model, by David Grant-Poitras, Diane Alalouf-Hall and Jean-Marc Fontan. (PDF)
- L’architecture des solidarités à l’épreuve de la Convid-19, by Sylvain A. Lefèvre. (PDF)
- Philanthropy During COVID-19: The Urgency of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Lens, by Adam Saifer. (PDF)
- Article PhiLab Québec, Les trois horizons de la réponse philanthropique au Québec : chronique des cinq premières semaines, by Nancy Pole (PDF)
- PhiLab Ontario | Ontario Hub
- Article PhiLab Ontario, La crise provoquée par la COVID-19 et l’impact financier en philanthropie, by François Brouard (PDF).
- PhiLab de l’Ouest | Western Hub
- 211 Teams playing critical role during Covid-19 Pandemic, by Lynn Gidluck, Sue Wilkinson and Kristin Nelson.(PDF)
- Response to COVID – 19 through not-for-profit and rural applied research initiatives in the BC interior, by Adela Tesarek Kincaid and James Tucker. (PDF)
- PhiLab de l’Atlantique | Atlantic Hub
- Why Do We Help When The World Gets Worse?: Prosocial Responses to Randomness, par Daniel Nadolny. (PDF)
- Unités Internationales | International Research Units
- Latin America Research Unit, La mobilisation du secteur philanthropique brésilien pour face à la COVID-19, by Lidia Eugenia Cavalcante. (PDF)
- African Research Unit, Action publique, comportements et philanthropie en contexte de COVID-19 : quelques réflexions à partir du Sénégal, by Sambou Ndiaye. (PDF)
- Textes invités | Guest Contributions
- Dans cette crise globale, la philanthropie internationale a un rôle à jouer…, by Benoit Fontaine. (PDF).
- Philanthropy and COVID-19: The need to invest in non-profits’ organisational capacity, by Axelle Marjolin. (PDF)
- The Government-Nonprofit Sector Relationship post-COVID 19: An Opportunity for Reform?, by Hilary Pearson. (PDF)
- Veiller à l’inclusion sociale en temps de crise. Comment Parole d’excluEs adapte ses pratiques sous la COVID-19 ?, by Isabel Heck and Florianne Socquet-Juglard.
- How does frugal innovation offer a new form of solidarity in a pandemic and post-pandemic context?, by Stéphanie Bernadette Mafalda Cadeddu, Suchit Ahuja and Hassane Alami. (PDF)